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All I heard was screams. Screams bouncing off the walls as I quickly took my half empty bag.

One minute I am sitting in class as Ms Swartz is teaching us about verbs and the next thing I know she's screaming at us to get out the class.

I looked around in horror, I was alone.

"Nsuku! Come here now we need to go! " Maisha screamed as she began to pull me.

The purple-ish smoke seeped through the now cracked walls as the sound of buildings falling made it's way to my head.

I picked myself up and began to bolt. I knew what was happening, I knew so well, but I don't know why I just sat down there in shock.

Everyone was ahead of me running for their lives. My little body ran as fast as it could.

I tripped, my head hitting the floor. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I picked myself up leaving my bag behind.

The door was open and people where waiting for me, calling me to come. I couldn't breath. My breath hitched as I started coughing.

I could see my mom and dad standing there, screaming my name.

The purple smoke was everywhere as it began to seep into my lungs.

Everyone was screaming my name. All my friends, people I don't know , police and my parents.

The door looked so far away.

I shut my eyes and ran until I had reached the door where I was immediately picked up.

Multiple voices were still calling me  as I struggled to hear what they were saying but all their words came out muffled.

My eyes were still shut as I struggled to breath

I could hear the sounds of the buildings falling grow even louder. I opened my eyes and took a look around, my vision was blurred as I tried to make out people's faces.

My eyes and throat hurt and my head was spinning. I gagged and vomited on the floor. I took deep breaths in between.

After that everything turned black and I wondered, what happened?

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