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I woke up randomly at 1am to drink water, I guess I slept quite early.

The party was still going on. And it was more then yesterday, this was an actual party party. Luckily I locked my door before I slept.

You can literally hear people getting knocked up next door.

I got up and unlocked the door locking it again and going with the key I went into the kitchen to get some water, it was so crowded and I was being squished between people as I got out  into the kitchen where  they where playing dares or whatever.

Going to the fridge I got some water, people stared at me but I had just woken up so I was a little big grumpy.

All these people looking at me or calling me probably thinking that I'm drunk.

Someone tapped me and I ignored em because, no.

I took my water bottle and walked up but I realized that I was hungry. But as I turned back, I was met with a chest.

The person smelt good, like too good and he was tall. Looking up my eyes widened as I realized that it was Matthew. I backed up not wanting to be anywhere near a married man.

He looked down at me, to my lips then to my eyes and the cycle continued.

"You haven't grown a single bit " he whispered as I walked passed him.

"Shut your tall ass up " I said and got some food. He was definitely drunk. Going back to my room and locking and started job hunting on my computer.

And a after hours of searching, like two hours I finally found one. I thought it would take me weeks but that was quick.

A marriage councillor specifically a divorce councillor. That would suit me right? I'd be going for the appointment for the interview tomorrow morning well today.

Deciding I at least needed one more hour of sleep, I slept. But it felt like thirty minutes later I woke up.

I took a shower and did my skin care then I put on a bit of makeup and a formal outfit and went out of the house. It was not bad actually just a few people laying on the couch, a few red cups here and there but nothing too bad.

With my car I went to the place. It was a center with therapists, philosophers, wards , asylums, mental health therapists. Those type of stuff.

Got there and parked my car and got out. I walked in and went to the receptionist.

"Good morning,... Mrs Davis" I said pausing to look at her name tag.

"Morning, you must be Miss Sekwasa? " she asked and I nodded. "Well the bosses office is the room at the corner to your right"  she said and I nodded and left.

My health clicked on the floor as I knocked on the door. "Come in" a deep voice I didn't recognize said.

I got in and I was shocked, I didn't expect the boss to be this young. He had probably inherited it from his father or something.

He looked at me and nodded, I sat down and he scanned my face. He had blonde hair, green eyes and he was tall well taller then me.

"Good morning Mr.... Ah Mr Johnson" I said and gave him a polite smile while shaking his hand.

He smiled, a handsome smile might I add, he was standing and slightly taller then me.

"Morning, Miss Sekwasa, how are you? " he asked nicely.

"I'm okay, and you? " I asked already wanting all this to end.

Let me stop you right here, not to kill you out of boredom but the interview was ass.

He asked me questions about where I lived, why I came here which was really none of his business. Most of my answers where that 'The information your asking for is on my card'

I never answered him directly when he asked personal questions. I found that quite weird but of course I ignored it.

He said that, I had passed his vibe check and I'd be starting now which was crazy.

I got to my office and it was dusty as hell. I cleaned it for the next few hours until I knocked off at 5 o-clock.

I went home and prepared for the next day, which was getting the decorations right for my office and the cleaning agents.

I got out my car with my bag and stuff being super tired I knocked on the door and dru opened the door.

I got in passed him and in the living room, Matthew and Maisha sat there and some other people talking, I didn't really care to greet so I walked passed by.

They all looked conflicted. But oh well, I went to the bathroom to freshen up and do my skin care for the night.

I was in the main bathroom doing my business while  listening to so anxious.

"So meet me a eleven thirty, I love it when you talking dirty" I sang with enthusiasm.

There was a knock to the door . "Occupied! " I shouted over my music.

The door opened and I screamed out of shock and things fell out of my hand including my towel.

I looked at Matthew and his eyes widened and looked at my body. Acting fast I picked my towel and wore it.

"Get the fuck out! " I screamed and he closed the door so fast with a loud bang.

From the bathroom I could hear shouting, and more shouting until a louder bang was heard.

I sighed and went out to my room and locked, everything is just so crazy.

I sighed picking up the broken glass of wine and  throwing it out. But I first went to my room and got dressed into pj's.

I cleaned the bathroom up and then went to my room and onto my laptop to see if anyone made any appointments.

And Thank God a pair did. I didn't read the surname but I quickly got some food and more wine and got into bed and opened the email.

But I paused and stopped eating and the fork fell out of my hand into the plate.

'Mr & Mrs James' it read and I sighed putting my face in my hands. I really should've moved here.

And the thing is, I can't decline a client! This is so damn frustrating.

Their little note said.

'Good evening, my wife and I would like to have an appointment, for Divorce counseling, before the divorce'

'And we would like this this information would not be shared with any other persons, or else a law suit will be filed against you"

I sighed as I got to typing.

And this was my message.

"Dear Me &Mrs James, I would like to say that I have scheduled our appointment for 1pm tomorrow"

Keeping it nice and short I sent it. But what dawned to me was that, they where divorcing, Maisha and Matthew, the ultimate BWWM couple in the country probably even in through whole world, are divorcing.

What would everyone say? But divorce is really hard to go through, especially if you still had feelings for the other person.

Divorce is like a catastrophic loss in all areas, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

Literally everywhere you turn, you'd be thinking about them.

For someone who is going through a divorce, the stage of denial might look like hope.

A spouse might be hopeful that somehow the spouse seeking the divorce will change their mind, that perhaps they are just “going through a phase.”

So basically when a couple goes for divorce counseling, or alone, you know it's over.

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