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I wore baggy low-waisted jeans and a Royal Blue shiny tank top.

I did my makeup like the  I was 2000s and went to school.

I took the bus because no ways I was walking. I was surprised my mom didn't say anything about the disciplinary hearing I even know I got for slapping that crazy ass boy.

I got to school and everyone stared as usual. I know I'm just that beautiful.

But as for the people shipping me with him. I hope they are okay in the head?

Do they need therapy? I know a doctor or two.

I saw him leaning on his locker, his cheek swollen like a rats ass.

I turned the other way but Drumi called me.

Turned around and walked towards the group. I haven't really seen Luka in a while.

"Ye? " I asked and the lights in the whole school switched off.

He had a flashlight on and played Rosalina by Bm (break your back).

Ofc they expect me to dance, so I did.

I dances to the Congolese music and whined my waist. Everyone cheered and Increased my speed and decreased too.

"Break you back eh" I said as the flashlight turned on.

Everyone sort of cheered going crazy and I laughed before making eye contact with Matthew.

Everyone made way for me and Matthew got flowers out of nowhere.

They held a whole banner with the words. "Will you be my date to prom? "

I laughed, and laughed. This was too funny eh.

"No, what do you take me for a dog, eh? " I said and the whole crowed kept quiet.

He looked shocked.

I blinked twice before turning around and walking.

He was crazy if he thought I was going to go with him.

I turned back, and looked him  up and down in disgust.

"Please, before you even try to ask anyone out, fix you attitude" I said with sassiest sass, anyone could master up.

The crowed roared as I walked away.

The audacity this famous delinquent ass.

I'll show him flames. Just wait and see Matthew James. I won't fall into your mind games.

"Fuck, that was hot" his thoughts read and I wanted to laugh.

He just doesn't get it. Yes he was as fine as fire but his attitude will get him now where with me.

I bet he didn't even really want to ask me. Someone like Drumi probably dared him.

I went to my first class making sure I wasn't late. Of course Matthew was there but this time he sat the farthest away from me.

Everyone could sense the rising tension when I caught him staring.

"Why can't she just accept me? " he thought and I dead panned.

He mus'nt play games with me.

I took notes until I head my name being called on the intercom. Right after mine, Matthew's was called too.

I packed my bad and left going to the principals office.

I sat down and Matthew followed. My mom was seated and so was Matthews mother and this was a perfect time to turn introverted.

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