6. Birth of Karna

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Dedicated to PraronaMGomes

-"In life, Be a plant that grows till it dies"-



Lighting ripped the darkness into pale white , while monstrous rumbling of thunder resonated through the very fibre of the existence...
Fire engulfed everything it saw , air took its fierce forms, as tornadoes wrecked havocs. All universe were shaken and all planets forgot stability.
All creatures including the divine felt a fear gripping them so tight, almost blocking their breath. Maya was enraged and she was out of control. She was always an untamed presence in the existence that was necessary.

He sucked in as much as air as possible,
'How disturbingly beautiful that site was'.
Vaikarthana wondered, he had a weird thought interrupt his meditation. It was pleasent even though it definitely wasn't anything near to peaceful. Then 'what was it ? Who was she.why was he so fascinated by such chaos.. yes it was chaos'.
He found himself gravitate towards her and her elegance. That was Completely opposite of his usual self , he was entirely different from her , but he was attracted towards her fierceness, like a moth to the fire.
Maya ..
That's what he remember, and that will do for now; he will find out the rest later . Sun god might summon me anytime . He prepared his celestial self to be in a state of deep sleep , until a part of his soul will return back to him, that will now leave as Karna.

Long way to go Brother ..
The Palanhar mumbled .

Don't astray from your destination, you wouldn't remember your divinity, but I am sure you will realise it and will embrace it slowly but steadily as a mortal.
Narayan's peaceful voice echoed.

Dwapar yuga
Kingdom Kunti.

Pleasent mornings were always Princess Kunti's favourite , it was one such chirpy morning. The crisp yet gentle sun rays slowly started its reign over earth and sky. Kunti the princess of Kingdom Kunti ,the adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoja, was an intelligent yet innocent girl of age 16 .

She was wondering about what her friend said earlier. Priyamvada , her maid and best friend ; she ridiculed the boon given by Maharishi Durvasa to be impossible and lame.
'That definitely sounds like one of your wildest imagination, Rajkumari.'
Priyamvada has said.

As Kunti strolled through the lush grass green of the garden after her prayer , she thought of the mantra again.
She looked at the wide stream that flew past her, parting the greenary.
It looked crystal , bright yet gentle rays of the dawn ricocheted
off the waves into her eyes, momentarily blinding her eyes with its brightness.
'Oh the Sun God .. the nurturing father of all beings on earth. How graceful and powerful he is' , she thought.
How will it be, to meet him once , it will be such a gracious moment to have him infront of her in flesh , his brilliance, the grace and the regality he carries, all that she has heard of the divine, will be infront of her just by a chant. 'Can't wait to try it' a childish, curious yet devoted Pritha thought.
The elegant ruler of the skies will be infront of her... She will prove her friend wrong as well , thought she.
Kunti chanted the mantra with utmost dedication.

Vaikarthana felt himself pondering over his thoughts and on his own identity...
What was he? Who was he? Was Alamvusha, a terrorizing Asura his only purpose?! To defeat him , to end his terror , was it all he has to do ? Then why such personification of an entity of existence, to a divine or celestial being ?!
It could have been any of the entities... Why does it have to be Balance (Thulan) ?! And why was he the god of Righteous wars?!

KARNA : Incarnation Of Lord Vaikarthana Where stories live. Discover now