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Dedicated to SagnikRoy3


Dwapara yug
One of the villages in Hastinapur

'The boy was calm , way too calm'
Paraha thought.
He didn't cried , or made any noise , what was wrong with the child?!
Paraha was seated on the steps of a temple, the sky was awaiting dusk. The sage has found a shelter near the temple for the child and himself .

Now the boy has regained some colour, he was pale and looked unhealthy when the sage got him from the river. But now after the boy was fed with some milk by a woman who immediately obliged to help upon seeing a sick little child; Karna has now gained a sweet smile on his lips while he sucked on his thumb occasionally,as he stared at Paraha who was holding him close. With the bright doe eyes , which had several galaxies hidden inside them, he invited Paraha's curiosity.

His eyes are very unique, Paraha noticed, as he observed the child after he was awake from his long nap. One was tawny and the other was lite yellow . Rare , he thought.

'But the boy was disturbingly quite.'

The news of the death of Final King of Krivya Dynasty - King Shathasravaha, reached Sage Paraha.
It reached him by an owl , during early morning, even before dawn . Owls were fast and could travel all night , unlike most birds.
The letter said two things ,
1. The King has attained moksha
2. The esteemed King have left behind a final order in the form of a royal scroll which was said to be given to the Kulguru , as it contained the King Shathasravaha's last wish and the now Heavenly King's final Royal decree.

Rishi Paraha sighed - almost a defeated one. He cannot return to the Kingdom yet , he has an 'Abandoned light' to find.

Dwapara yug
A year later

In span of an year, Several attacks were unleashed on Kingdom Tritheya upon the demise of the King Shathasravaha, everyone had an eye on the rich kingdom , which was well known for its geographical richness as well as spiritual knowledge. The abundance of natural resources also was something that made all struggles so worth it.
Queen Malini - the third wife of Shathasravaha, led the kingdom skillfully. She managed political clashes with her wits and the few dedicated ministers and Commander in chief- Vaagdatha, stood by her side , protecting the Kingdom from all types of demons. Many courtiers turned out to be spies of other territories, who took the opportunity to express their true loyalty. They ended up meeting their end either at the tip of Vaagdatha's sword or by some wild animals in the thick forest.

Rishi Paraha's well trained warriors guarded the borders and villages, each army that marched to the land of Harihareshwara faced a massacre , which left an impression on others to not mess with the Kingdom until Paraha and Vaagdatha was in charge.

Dwapara yug
During the same year

Hastinapura was going through a vigorous time. The eldest prince , queen Ambika's son, Dritharashtr, was to be married with the only Princess of Kingdom Gandhar .

The blind prince's proposal was rejected by the royal family of Gandhar at first . After a war , Gangaputr Bhishma conquered Gandhar and the King Saubala was obliged to follow orders.
But the only Princess of Gandhar- the beautiful Gandhari has a brother , Shakuni , who would trick the moon to descend on earth, if his sister asked him to. He strongly disagreed to let anything happen against his dear sister's will. But Gandhari convinced him of the consequences of going against the stubborn Kurus.

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