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"Never repeat the same mistakes"

-someone wise



Dwapara yuga
Tritheya, Dharmasthali
Next day

A new warm day sprouting out of the dark coldness of the night is the first sight that gives us the intuition to have hope .

Karna was walking towards the temple after his morning prayers ; he met few familiar faces on his way as he extended his humble greetings .
They returned the gesture with equal appreciation. They found Karna a bit sceptical at first as none knew about his origin or parentage. But eventually became fond of him due to his personality and nobility. The kid was so kind even at a young age , helping anyone who seeked help irrespective of anything.

Tritheya's society follows Varna vyavasta, but a very few treat it like a  birth privilege. Mostly the people were broad minded and appreciated people for their work, rather than taking it for granted. And no professions were treated lowly. Paraha the kulguru has made it sure , that his motherland wouldn't turn out to be like other nations in this particular matter.

The saint has witnessed the downfall of a once efficient Varna vyavastha, that now turned into something more of a shackle termed as Jathi vyavastha . Tritheya was different, nobody was forced to choose a particular profession because their father happened to choose that in the past. This kind of liberal approach in the system has received both negetive criticism as well as positive insights from other kings and officials upon their visit .

So Paraha has advised Karna to always go around the market as well as settlement areas, whenever he got time to spare ,to mingle with various people . Karna has taken that advice seriously. As he strolled leisurely through alleys and streets, he met new personalities every other day. He noticed that each group had a different set of priorities and thus had different perspectives on life according to their occupation that influenced their daily routines. And a casual conversation with any adult could tell you a lot about the mindset of him/her and people similar to them with the same occupation in the same locality.

But no matter what , the one major similarity Karna noticed among all these people irrespective of their cast , creed , race ,or  occupation was their opinionated selves and driven spirits. Which he found quite inspiring . They need a well oriented and open minded leader , or else these people and their future generations would be robbed to a pathetic extent. Karna slowly started getting an idea about this humongous world and about the magnanimous Society and systems that drives them.

Dwapar yuga
Dharmasthali, Gurukul
Same day,

First hour in the third prahar of the day was moving with the pace of a snail. Karna was hit by a heavy boredom and nothing intresting caught his sight. Rama softly sat beside his friend to not startle him and stared at a zoned out Karna with a thoughtful look.

The walls are indeed the most interesting topic that's going on here, Karna.
Rama teased his friend with a serious tone.
Karna slowly turned around to address the presence of his now annoying friend.

What else could be so interesting for him ?! He can't even speak a damn thing.. mute . Haha
Another classmate of their's interrupted their conversation making fun of Karna. Rama frowned deeply staring intensely at the boy and his fellows who laughed at the thorn like statement.
Karna stood up from his place.Rama followed his friend's action.
One among the boys walked upto Karna and wrapped an arm around his shoulder . Karna never liked anyone being in his close proximity, it flared his anger and they knew it well. Karna pushed him away , his face turning a little red.

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