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Hunter POV

Hunter drank another cup of orange juice and sighed happily. He could feel the "poison" leaving his body. The kind old lady then gave him a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. He happily ate that. This human realm food is really good.

Hunter finished his bowl of spaghetti and gives it to the older lady, who cleans it and put it away.

Hunter sits down at the table again and looks around her home. It has that calm clean elderly smell to it. There's lots of shelves with decorative plates or spoons, and then picture frames of possible family members. There's crocheted little mats all over the house too.

"What's your name?" Hunter asks.

"I'm your mother, silly Brian...." The old woman laughs.

"No! I'm really not Brian! I'm Hunter." Hunter says placing his hands on the old woman's shoulders.

"Your so silly, is that your fantasy name?" She smiles.

"No, that's my name in real life!" He says.

"Okay then... Hunter, tell me about your fantasy game your playing." She smiles.

"It's not fan-" Hunter shuts up.

She's not going to believe him no matter how many times he tries to say it. He might as well just endure it.

"I'm a witch! From the demon realm. I found this scroll that opened a portal between realms and led me here! I came to examine this place for myself." Hunter explains.

"Ooh and what's your goal of examining this place?" She smiles.

"...to see if this is a nice place to run away too.... With.. someone really important to me." Hunter says softly.

"Run away from what?" She says.

"My home, its... not the best place." Hunter says.

"Why not?" She smiles and tilts her head.

"There's a girl I like, very... very much,  but my family doesn't view her the same way I wish they would." Hunter blushes gently.

"How cute..! what's her name?"the old lady smiles.

"Her names Y/N." Hunter smiles a little.

"So she's the princess your trying to save? By finding a place to run away too?" She smiles.

Hunter blushes.

"Heh.. I Guess..." Hunter smiles a little.

Your POV

Hunter hasn't been home at all today, where has he been, you're starting to get worried. You've checked his room multiple times but there's no trace of him. He hasn't even took his artificial staff with him, he always takes that with him.

It was starting to get late too, he always spends nights at the castle, it's not like he has anywhere else to stay...

What are you going to do...?

"Maybe... if I ask emperor Belos... he'll know..!" You smile.

A shudder goes through your body.

"No... too scary, who's his right hand man? they'll know!" You mumble to yourself.

You immediately facepalm yourself.

"I am really dumb aren't I? Hunters his right hand man." You grumble.

"Who else would know where he is...?" You sigh.

"What's wrong pet?" Terra says behind you in the hallway.

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum