all boys

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cay d perry

I'm so sorry

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I'm so sorry. Only weak people don't intend their puns^^ now everytime Lucien call Cater as Cay D you shall remember that he's Cay D Perry and one day he'll start singing Last Friday Night

can't believe I wrote this chapter


It's noon and Lucien can be found (if you tried hard enough) behind a closed curtain that separates the beds inside the infirmary. He's relaxed laying down on the bed making him forget all of his worries and freshly obtained wounds. It's a moment of solitude.

The clinic staff is nowhere to be seen, the students are clamoring within the vicinities of the campus but no one dared to go near the medical ward. Lucien had no other choice but to assist himself in dressing his wounds.

Thinking that he needs a well-deserved rest Lucien shamelessly makes himself comfortable under the warm blankets. September is just starting and winter is nearing. Probably in just a blink of an eye, it would be time to reminisce the non-existing happy memories he will garner in the upcoming years.

Lucien sighed as he feel the warmth and comfort that the blankets give him. It wasn't enough. Lucien would once again want to experience the dream-like trance of waking up covered with his cozy blanket whilst the rain pour against the windows of his room.

Just as Lucien was about to close his eyes a sudden anxiety hit him out of nowhere so instead of a casual rest inside the infirmary Lucien was suddenly in a state of meditation to calm himself. The hard pounding on his chest was once again present. There was this lingering feeling that being comfortable and happy is wrong. He made a mistake and it's going to hunt him down soon. It's wrong. It's wrong.

He should have died instead of... who? What was his name again?

Search it. Think about it hard. The happiness took him away. Please don't take anything from him anymore, he'd be good and continue to live miserably.

"This is totally a bad idea." "Shut up this is your fault." "H-hey stop being so forceful I already agreed to it- at least let's enter f-Hey don't touch there!" muffled whispers came from (probably) outside the door accompanied by the quiet rustling of fabrics and thumping of shoes. "We have no choice we're all guys here."

Lucien lay stiff and unmoving but fortunately, the anxiousness was gone. Lucien started to feel flustered and embarrassed, the tip of his ears are reddening, and he started to breathe more slowly. I'm not here. I'm not here.

It was just an assumption but this scene... Lucien knows this all too well. Believe it or not, all of his older brothers are married and have children except for Licht. Yes, Lucien has nephews at the sweet age of sixteen at least he's older than most of them except for Lucius' eldest son named Lawrence who's a year older than Lucien.

Lucius is a slut for his spouse and it is tested and can be proven by Lucien.

It's a long story. It was on a family outing and Lucien happened to be left alone with the couple. They thought they have coaxed the young Lucien asleep and they did "things" right next to the sleeping toddler. Three people stayed up late that night. Coincidentally two days ago before that night, Lucien was curious about sleeptalking and he accidentally voice-recorded the whole ordeal in Luce's phone. Luce eventually found the recording and will use it for blackmail purposes. Furthermore, the exclusive recorded data can't be leaked for privacy purposes.

"Be gentler- take your time, dang it- hey!" a whisper was heard whilst the door swung open.

"I will."

This would be recorded inside Lucien's diary as "It was 30 minutes of heaven for them."


Leona Kingscholar's mood for today is irritated and a tad bit mad. He has yet to obtain the position of a house warden yet he already bears a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. His title was a big burden to begin with especially since he has become uninterested in the throne. He can handle it but he doesn't want to. Just live an idle life.

Why do people keep dreaming of being someone important? Being important to one person is already enough. But when? Just when will Leona receive the genuine feeling of importance not because of his royal title? Because everything feels made up and continuously living is enough to make him puke. Leona is tired of people because all people are the same. All people have desires and desires gives us the ability to come up with ways to obtain them in all possible ways.

That's not important right now. There are two rabid dogs on the loose and Leona smelled trouble so he came running as fast as he can. (He was not running as fast as he can.) Originally, some people with special cases might undergo heat at any time of the year. People long gone created a solution to prevent scenarios that might tarnish their reputations. A new magic spell was created to suppress heat. The spell incantation was written in the student handbook but not everyone has enough interest to read it. Maybe.

To be honest Leona did not read the handbook too so he has to learn from experience. No, he did not undergo heat, that's another story for another day. The case was rare so no one was aware of it so only a handful of people heard of the spell when it is literally in every school's student handbook.

Leona was familiar with that strong disgusting stench and thankfully it is leading him toward the infirmary and not the dorms. The best way to enter the room is to knock first.

"Get out," Leona said in a loud demanding voice after he knocked. Shuffling inside the room can be heard for a while after two students finally went out with their heads down. After Leona said the incantation a weight on his shoulders was lifted. "The headmaster will hear about this. Get lost."

Leona entered the infirmary to clean the mess he did not make. Bastards.

Surprised, his eyes trembled slightly at the smell of the snow bud. (His nickname for Lucien)

What the?

Leona hastily searched for the lad, he quickly swings away each curtain that separated each bed until he found the freshman frozen in place and laying down on the furthest bed from the door but he doesn't look like he's breathing.

"I'm awake. My eyes are open." Leona was startled like a cat by Lucien's sudden talking.

"Fuck? What in the underworld? You were with them?" Leona is utterly disgusted and becoming more and more irritated.

Lucien was so taken aback that he stood up straight on the bed but he quickly composed himself and sat instead. "What?! No? I was a witness! A traumatized witness!"


Leona has one of his eyebrows up not hiding any of his doubt. "Well then." Leona abruptly closed the distance between his face and Lucien's to inspect. A.K.A. to smell.

"You smell like sex." Leona casually said as he distanced away with some of Lucien's long hair strands on his hand. Leona softly looked at the hair entangled in his hands as he brings it slowly to his nose. It's for research purposes. "What a troublemaker. I'll teach you a spell."

Yeah, right.... all students here are capable guys. Today, Lucien discovered a thing that happens only in an all-boys school. Is this the reason why Luce gave him that book of all things?

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