Chapter 13

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The next day something oddly suspicious happened. Not that I was aware of Mr Richardson's personal business but judging by his behavior I was able to conclude that something was amiss.

First of all, the house phone rang twice during breakfast, Richardson pretended he didn't hear it, continuing spreading his butter on his bread. His eyes would flicker to the ringing object discreetly but he made no move to answer it. Secondly, he kept forgetting where he dropped his items when it was right in front of him so that means his head is probably somewhere else. The last suspicious thing was when the phone started ringing multiple times when we were about to leave.

Mr Richardson dashed for the phone and placed it so close to his ear, whispering silently into it. He had a frown on his face, what's left is for him to start sweating profusely. The man kept fidgeting like a vibrating chord—the best comparison I could think of.

I was only able to catch a few words, "I'll let you know..... yes.....'s fine.... Don't call...."

Now I was really puzzled about what this was all about. Richardson put the person on hold then turned to me, "Look, Daniel I'll call Bessy and let her know you can't work today okay? Something's come up so I have to leave soon which means I can't drop you off."

"But I'm sure I can go there on my own now—"

"No. Please don't argue with me. Just stay here and don't go anywhere," he empathized on the last three words. I could tell that he was thinking about me sneaking off to Tobias and co because that's what I did before I started working. That made me angry, I balled my hands into a fist then stormed off into my room. Why could he not forget about it? It's not like I entertain them these days.

I could hear harsh whispers coming from the living room. Whoever he was talking to, the person was able to get a reaction out of Richardson and the man's so careful not to do that. He slammed the phone down, grabbed his keys and left.

My heart immediately sank when I heard the familiar click of the door being locked from the outside.

I groaned and jumped on the bed disappointed. For a stupid reason I wanted to cry because of my position, contemplating all the decisions I've made up to this point. I'm currently living with a stranger—that's what we're back to now, I guess—working for a nice old lady who I probably don't deserve for her kindness and I've got no freedom like what I was expecting when I left. Putting aside the things I should be grateful for, the rest weighed on me now and that made me feel trapped.

For a split second I stared at my bag wondering if I should just leave to another place farther away. But what are the chances that I'll be lucky to find another accommodating person for the second time? And strangely I felt that I've started to build something here—not sure what—that I don't want to leave behind.

"Urgh.... everything is so messed up," I said, my fingers itching to have something to relieve me. Something that Carlos would surely have.

Wouldn't it be foolish for me to slip up once something doesn't go my way? I've been doing so well for the past four days, avoiding them and working towards a bigger picture. I've been doing well with not overthinking and making rash decisions. However, I was having an episode where I needed something to comfort me, spare me of the jumbling mess that is my mind.

Maybe I could just use their company without indulging in anything with them. I mean I don't want to be a hypocrite judging them so quickly when I obviously know more about them than even Penelope who I'm sure got her information from only rumors. Just the other day I was criticizing those who didn't care enough yet here I am almost doing the same. Plus the boys have always been nothing but supportive towards me.

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