1 - young again

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age: 16 & 3
mom: natasha


natasha's pov
I let out a sigh as i followed my daughter down the hall way, i'm trying to get her to eat something as she's being too stubborn to eat her breakfast right now, i'm trying to get something down her throat before she leaves for school.

She picks up her speed when she realises how close i am behind her, i pick up mine and i'm soon physically running after her, she started to head for the labs which isn't a good idea at all.

"Y/n, stop running that way!"

"Stop chasing me" She shouted running around, she turned her head to look at me, to check where i was to see where she could go next, as she was looking at me, she bumped into someone.

That's someone being Loki, and Loki being Loki he had something special in his hand, a bright light shone and a bit of smoke puffed as Y/n disappeared making my eyes widen.

"Loki, where's my daughter" I said angrily watching his, he gulped and took a step back with wide eyes, i was about to shout, until i feel a strange feeling around my leg.

Looking down, i'm met with, a baby? I can see a baby attached to my foot, not a baby but a toddler, a very familiar toddler, i bend down and lift the toddler up and onto my front making her laugh and wrap her limbs around me.

I shake my head at Loki before turning on my heel and walking away, now holding my toddler, i look at her, she's dressed in the clothes she was just in, which are completely drowning her making me laugh slightly.

"Mama, too big" Y/n complains tugging at her clothes making me laugh again, i nod my head and place her on the bed and start undressing her, leaving her in nothing as i decide what to do next, i don't have any baby equipment.

I lift my baby onto my hip again and walk out the room, i have a brilliant idea as i head to Peppers room, giving her bedroom door a knock and waiting a moment before she opens it up, holding Morgan.

"Hey- What the hell" Pepper states in complete confusion, i hum pursing my lips and nodding my head before explaining my situation of not having any baby equipments, asking to borrow some just for now.

"Of course Nat, but, how?" She asked inviting me into the room, i stand by the door and explain what happened from when Y/n said she wouldn't eat her breakfast to her clinging around my leg a few seconds later as a little baby.

"Loki is so dead" She chuckles passing me everything i needed, i hum and nod my head thanking her and waving at Morgan before turning around and taking Y/n back to my room.

I am secretly hoping that this 3 year old is different to my 3 year old 13 years ago, because that felt like i was in an emotionally abusive relationship and i don't not know if i can do that again.

"Hi mama" Y/n said cutely waving her hand in my hand, i wave back at her and take her tiny hand in my own, letting her tiny fingers curl around mine. It's crazy that she was a big teenager 10 minutes ago and now she's a little girl again, it's crazy.

"No diaper!" She screams turning her body around, i sigh flipping her back over, that definitely means that it's the same Y/n from 13 years ago.

"Yes diaper, you're not having accidents" I said taping it around her and dressing her in some shorts, and t-shirt, ignoring the pout on her face as i did. I smile when i see it and lean down, pecking her lips making her smile.

"You hungry?" I ask, Y/n nods with a toothy grin and reaches her arms up for me, i smile and lift her up and feel so happy, i kind of like having my little baby back. I love teenager but my little baby is adorable, i wish i could keep her.

"Mama is smelly" Y/n tells me, i stop walking and look at her with an offended face, but she looks at me with a serious straight one which tells me she isn't joking.

I lift my arm up and sniff myself, and she's right. I sigh turning around and walking back to my bedroom, playfully throwing Y/n on the bed and spraying myself with deodorant, i've had such a busy week that my appearance was the last thing i was bothered about.


It had been 3 days and Y/n was still a baby, as much as i loved it i missed my teenager. I love the little snuggles that i get but, it's not the same as big Y/n's and little Y/n is so much of a troublemaker.

I've actually taken a few videos and photos to show her when she's back to her regular self hoping that that would make her laugh about it.

Everyone's loved baby Y/n, it was like how it used to be before all school stress and that, she's been oblivious to it all and has no idea what's going on.

I'm about to go and wake her up from her nap, part of me wishing that she was back into a teenager when i went, i knock on her door incase she is awake, in teenager form and getting dressed or whatever.

When i open then door, i'm met with my teenager Y/n laying in the bed, sprawled out like a 3 year old. I hold back my squeal as i run over and sit on her bed, i sit next to her and place my hand on her stomach, rubbing it slightly causing her to stir and turn about with a groan.

"Mama?" She grumbled, i smiled and lean forward and kissed her head. She smiled slightly and sat up rubbing her eyes, looking extremely tired and i don't blame her as most of the night when she was younger, she was up crying in my bed, before falling asleep early hours on my chest.

"You'll never guess what's happened..."


felt like i needed one of these

scarlett/natasha daughter one shots #3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora