11 - tony stark

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age: 13
dad: tony


If i was being completely honest and speaking my mind then i would say that my dad doesn't love me, even though he's one of the richest men ever, he just doesn't have a heart it feels like. I'm his only child, which makes me think maybe it was an accident, and i don't have a mom.

I look up to Natasha, yes the deadly assassin, but when you love with her and have done since you first opened your eyes, you realise that she's the nicest soul in the compound.

Me and Natasha do everything together, she took me on my first day of school because my dad was out on a mission, all the father and daughter dances at school, Natasha took me too, even though she was female.

Dad was mean to me quite a lot, he throws some hurtful words at me, but Natasha's always there and she always seems to hear whatever he has said, which is good because she always takes my side and backs me up.

Like as of right now, my dad is screaming at me because it got only got just above half marks on a test, instead on full marks.

"How can you only get that, it's not difficult to get above half" Dad shouted at me, Natasha was stood behind me, telling my dad how proud he should be.

"Tony, it's a pass! Leave her alone, she done well!" Natasha shouted back at my dad.

"She hasn't done, it's embarrassing that my last name now has a shitty mark next to it, even though it's not me!" Dad argued back, i kind of stood in the middle as Natasha and dad bickered.

"What do you have to say for yourself Y/n, this is unacceptable!" Dad shouted moving his eyes to me and waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, letting a single tear slip down my cheek.

"Y/n, no dont apologise, you've done nothing wrong" Natasha said glaring at my dad.

"I hate both of yous" Dad said angrily picking up his coffee and stroking out of the room, i turn to Natasha with a gasp, i've always said he hated me and Natasha said he never, but now it's been admitted.

"He hates me" I say with my bottom lip wobbling, Natasha comes to me and shakes her head.

"He doesn't, he's just angry honey" Natasha said wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into her body.

I furrow eyebrows, he'd just admitted that he hated me.

"He said he did Natasha, he does! He hates me" I shout, hitting Natasha's chest because now i'm angry. I run off, pushing past her and running up the flight of stairs until i reach my bedroom, which is a floor above Natasha's, no one else is on my floor so i get everything to myself.

I could practically live here, i have my own living room and kitchen, i don't need to see anyone ever again, especially my dad.

I choose to go to my bedroom still, i sit down at my desk and pull out some homework and although i hate homework i just need something to distract me right now.

"Honey, don't be so upset" Natasha says coming in to my room, walking towards me until she is stood behind me and places her hand on my shoulder.

"How can i not be upset when my dad hates me nat?" I said angrily scribbling down words on the paper with my pen, i hear her sigh before she sits on my bed.

"Because, he's seriously just a selfish man, maybe it's best if he hates and stays away from you, there are so many other people in this building that love you" Natasha says, i stop writing and look over at her.

"How do you know that? How do you know anyone likes me Natasha, dad makes me out to be the bad person, everyone will just believe him" I mumble then turn back to my desk, but just stare ahead out of the window.

"Y/n, of course they love you, i don't know if you realise but your dad shouts when you argue, doesn't he?" I keep quiet, just because i know that she is right.

"Yes, he does. So everyone else can hear as well Y/n, no one's going to pick his side after what he's said to you" Natasha says, i let out a sign and drop my head down onto the desk.

"Come here Y/n" I hear Natasha pat her thighs, and because i need a hug and just Natasha in general, i get up out my chair and walk over to her, letting her pull me on her lap.

"I love you Y/n, i love you so much and you're like a daughter to me, you're like a daughter to everyone in here, but especially one for me" Natasha murmurs as she holds me tightly to her chest.

"I wish he loved me because i loved him" I say shifting about on Natasha's lap, i feel like i'm going to cry and i definitely don't want to cry, especially over my dad.

"I know sweetheart, i know" Natasha says softly pulling my back against her body and rubbing her hands through my hair.

"Wanted him to love me" I mumble pushing my mouth into Natasha's shoulder before letting out a sob, Natasha's seen me cry before, and now that i have started, i feel like i can't stop.

"I know you do honey, but sometimes people are just like that, it's not nice and not right" Natasha says rubbing my back, i nod my head and hold onto her waist tightly, pushing my head further into her neck.

"Wish you were my mom" I mumble, i don't even think and i don't actually regret it because it's true, she's acted more like a mother to me than anyone, she's acted more like a dad than my dad did for gods sake.

"You do?" Natasha asks looking down at me stroking my hair, i nod my head and wipe my tears with my eyes.

"I'll be your mom" Natasha chuckles and kisses my head, i smile slightly and shift closer to her if it was possible.

Suddenly, i jump off Natasha's lap, i start running downstairs and Natasha if following behind me closely, calling my name out asking what i'm going.

I barge into my dad's office and stand in front of his desk, watching him jump back slightly.

"I want Natasha to be my mom and have all parent rights of me, i don't want to be under your name anymore" I say firmly trying to hold back tears, dad rolls his eyes clearly thinking i'm messing but his face chances when he realises i'm not kidding.

"You don't want to be my child anymore?" Dad asks, his voice laced with what i think is actually sadness, or happiness i'm not too sure.

"I'd love nothing more"


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