2 - in my chest

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age: 15
mom: scarlett
step dad: colin

There's always a heavy feeling in my chest, it never goes away and just sits there waiting for the perfect time to hit me, and when it does i just break and all my emotions run free, exploding out of me, out of my control.

My momma helps me a lot, she says she used to have a similar thing and if she can get through it then i can definitely get through it and i wouldn't have been able to without her.

"I'm going to the toilet" I say, sliding myself out of my mommas arms and off the sofa, walking out of the room slowly, ignoring her calls from behind me, but my chest hurts really bad and i feel like i'm doing to break down any second and i'd rather do it on my own.

"Y/n, come back here. You went to the toilet 5 minutes ago pet" Momma says standing up from the sofa and coming after me, i pick up my pace until i'm almost jogging and running up the stairs.

"Go away!" I shout slamming my bedroom door in her face, but as soon as i do, i re open it, because i don't want her to go away and i do not want to be rude by slamming the door in her face.

"Don't go away, i need you, i need you so much momma" I cry, wrapping my arms around her stomach, hiding my face in her chest, her fingers run through my hair as she holds me in her arms, walking me over to the bed and sitting me down on the bed beside her.

"I'm not going anywhere my love" Momma whispers into my hair, wrapping her arms around me again and kissing my head, i hum into her chest squirming about, momma releases her grip around me and lets me move onto her lap.

"Can you hold me tight" I whisper into her neck, momma tightens her grip around me, rocking me side to side gently. I blink a few tears out my eyes and press my mouth to mommas shoulder, i feel her kiss my head a few times as we sit in complete silence

"Do you want anything? A walk, a drive around, we can go to the store or anything you want darling?" Momma suggests, a walk sounds nice but right now i want to stay with her.

"A walk, but i want you right now" I murmur, momma nods her head telling me that was okay. I smile taking her blonde hair into my hands and start to gently fiddle around with it, curling it around my fingers and letting the strand drop.

Momma stands up with me still in her arms and leaves my bedroom, i keep her hair in my hand as she moves about. She carried me downstairs and into the living room, speaking a few words to Colin about how we were going to go out for a walk and then come back.

Then, momma takes me over to the stairs and sits me down on the bottom one which earns her a discomforting whine from me as i reach my arms back out for her, feeling a little bit like a toddler.

"One second baby, momma needs to put your shoes" Momma says slipping a shoe on my foot and tightly tying the laces for me, i thank her when she is finished and wait patiently for her to do her own.

When she is finished, i'm lifted back up into her arms and comfortably sat on her hip as she heads to leave, it was warm tonight as it has been for the past few days so a jacket definitely wasn't needed, it wasn't pitch black anyways.

"Down you go" Momma groans placing me down on the floor, i sigh sadly grabbing her hand as we both slowly start to walk out of the estate, our hands are swinging as we walk in silence.

There isn't really anything for us to talk about at the moment, and i'm really enjoying the comfortable silence that is with us at the moment. Momma starts humming which makes me smile, we take a few turns before we enter a park and sit on a bench.

I curl into mommas side immediately and bring my phone out my pocket, i answer a few texts from my friends and open up snapchat, i pull my phone up and take a photo with my momma. I add some text and then put it onto my story, before moving it to my instagram story and then sending the picture to momma.

She kisses my head and brings her phone out whilst i just browse through my own, i get a notification from instagram which is from Colin as he calls us his two favourite girls making me smile, i respond to him and put my phone away, clinging back onto momma's side.

"Let's head back now darling, it's getting darker" Momma speaks standing up from the bench, i raise my arms in the air with a smile as i silently tell her to lift me up and carry me back home but she shakes her head in disapproval.

"Uh uh, you're 15 and a big girl which means you can walk" Momma says, i sulk sadly crossing my arms over my chest and letting a pout take over my facial expression.

"Carry me" I whine holding my arms up once again, momma locks her hands with mine, leaning forward and kissing my forehead before letting go and holding her hand out.

"I'm not carrying you, you're to tall for me to carry" She says, even though an hour ago she was carrying me around the house, i sulk some more letting my eyes fill with tears, blinking quickly so they fall faster.

"My chest hurts" I cry looking up at my momma with a sad face, i see her face change emotion as she reaches down and lifts me up, i continue to cry into her shoulder, not over the fact she wouldn't carry me, but i just think i need a cry.

"Shh, are you crying over me not carrying you" Momma asks swaying her hips, i shake my head and head her hum as she starts to walk home.

"I'm sorry" I mumble into her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her neck, she shuts the front door behind her and places me down on the kitchen island, holding my face in her hands and wiping away my tears.

"No apologising lovely, you don't need to" Momma says softly kissing my cheek, i hiccup and nod my head, sliding down from the island and wrapping my arms around her waist, digging my head into her chest.

"Do you wanna go to bed or sit in the living room with momma and Colin" Momma asks running her fingers through my hair, i bite my lip as i weigh my options in my head.

"Colin but shh" I answer simply, momma nods her head in understanding and takes me through to the living room, she explains to Colin that no talking is aloud and sits in the middle of me and him, wrapping her arm around me.

The tv is playing quietly but i've turned into momma's side, playing with the t-shirt she has on, folding it around in my fist, i press my lips against the side of her stomach blowing gently, laughing to myself at the sound i made.

"Stop that silly girl" Momma teases pinching my nose, i see Colin laughing and do it again which makes them both laugh, i then stop and lay my head back down on her thigh as i pull her t-shirt back down.

I turn my head and look at the tv, running my fingers across momma's joggers, my two fingers in a running motion as i race them down momma's leg and to her knee, before pulling them back up.

As i'm having my fun, i feel momma's fingers start to run through my hair, i let out a hum turning my head slightly as i stop my hand actions and just lay watching the tv.

My eyelids start fighting themselves and start to close on their own, their closed but i'm still awake and can just barely hear momma and Colin talking, i turn my head around so it was now facing momma's stomach and bring myself as close as i can to her.

"Sweet dreams darling" I hear momma whisper making me smile, i hold onto her t-shirt and let my body relax, her fingers are still running through my hair and it's enough to make me fall into a deep sleep.


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