6 - stand up for yourself

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age: 14
mom: natasha
half brother: james
step dad: steve

School is a horrible place, it's a place where all your happiness just gets completely sucked out of you. My mom says it's good for me to stick in school, but i really do not want to.

Uncle Tony has said on multiple occasions that he'd get someone to homeschool me but mom constantly refused because she wants what is best for me, which i understand because she is the most amazing mom out there.

"Up we get" Mom says pulling the duvet off of me, i let out a groan and attempt to pull it back on me but it's already on the floor, mom chuckled sitting beside my body and placing her hand on my chest giving it a rub.

"We've got a meal tonight, the quicker you get up and go to school, the quicker we can get there" She tries, i turn over, facing away from her which earns her a sigh from me. Mom tried a few more times before she just drags me out of bed, i slump down in her arms and sit down on the floor.

"Get changed, you've got an hour before you're in trouble" Mom says in that mom voice, i sigh again standing from the floor as she leaves my room and start picking out my outfit, once i'm dressed i sit down by my vanity and do my hair.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" James shouts running into my room and shaking my shoulders, i try fight him off me but he falls over and knocks everything off of my desk making me go mad.

"James fuck off right now" I scream pushing him over, he lets out a painful cry as i groan and throw my hairbrush at him which makes him cry even more, in an instant my mom appears in my room.

"Y/n! What are you doing! I told you to get ready for school, not fight with your brother for crying out loud!" She shouts, and kneels down next to James, i storm out of the room and run downstairs into the kitchen.

"Hi sweetheart" Wanda says opening her arms, i run into them, wrapping my arms around her waist and sobbing into her chest, she holds me tightly, rocking me side to side while running her hands through my hair.

"What happened hm" Auntie Wanda asks rubbing my back, i hiccup, pulling out of her chest and looking up at her sadly. She cups my chin with her hand and wipes away my tears with her thumb, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"Mom woke me up so early, and ripped my duvet off and dragged me out of bed, then James came in and started shaking my shoulders so i pushed him off me then he fell and everything came flying off my desk and so i threw a brush at him when he started crying" I rant, letting some new fresh tears out.

"He's annoying isn't he" Auntie Wanda says, i sniffle nodding my head and give her another hug. I hear my mom come into the kitchen and tighten my grip around her, she places her hand back on the back of my head, stroking my hair.

"Let's go Y/n. We're going to be late" Mom says patting my back and trying to pull me away from Auntie Wanda, i reluctantly let go and go to get my bag and jacket and throw them on me.

"Bye" I mumble and leave the house making my way to my moms car, i stand by the door waiting for her to unlock it. I jump into the seat and my brother gets in the back with my cousin bickering with each other immediately.

"Tell them to shut up" I say angrily to my mom, she rolls her eyes with a sigh and tells the boys off which gets them quiet, the cat ride to school was silent due to my mom raising her voice.

"Have a good day boys" Mom says as the boys run off, i keep my body curled into the door, clutching my knees tightly and hiding my face in my knees not wanting to go into that school.

"Come on Y/n, mama's got to get to work" Mom sighs, i let out a muffled whine and shake my head. I hear the car door open and shut and then my passenger one open, mom leans over my and unbuckles my seatbelt.

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