7 - hold my girl

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age: 15
mom: scarlett
warnings: sa mention

My girl is my number one, she honestly my best friend, and what breaks my heart is seeing how much as struggles. She's had a rough start to her teenage years, after my ex husband, her father, decided to fight for her in court.

He's never been in the picture and it was a surprise to both me and my girl, for a while we ended up splitting it, he'd have her on the weekends and i'd have her on the weekdays and most of the holidays.

It was going well for a year or so, that was until she'd return with bruises all down her body, she'd cling to me a lot more often and would have frequent panic attacks before going off to her dads house.

I knew something was wrong, and it took a long time but i finally got the truth and that was that that man was hurting my baby, he also sexually assaulted her so i got him into jail and his name has never been spoken since.

Y/n's changed quite a lot, the spark in her faded but it's slowly coming back. She's an anxious kid and to be fair always has been but he was only put in jail for 3 years, it's been 1 so far but Y/n still has a fear he's going to be out.

She doesn't leave the house anymore and i've had to pull her out of school, every morning was the same. These awful, heart breaking panic attacks, fearing that someone would take her away from me.

I stir about, waking up from sleep. I turn over and accidentally bump into my sleeping girl beside me, after all of this she's been sleeping with me a lot more. It started off with her sneaking in at night but now she just comes in with me every night.

"You're awake" I say happily, as i turned over, i saw my beautiful baby's eyes staring at me, she smiles lightly nodding her head and shuffling closer to me, although it wasn't very possible as she was already so close.

Another thing about Y/n, it's like she's lost her voice. It started happening when it was all going on, she'd come back to me completely silent and i would be so confused, now 70% of the time she's silent and doesn't speak, only when she wants to or when she desperately needs to, but there is a massive improvement and she is trying to talk a lot more

"Hi" I say cupping her chin, she laughs shy-ly and pushes her face into my chest. I stroke the back of her head with my thumb and lean down giving the top of her head a kiss.

"Are you ready to get up?" I ask tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she gives me a small nod of her head and starts to get out of bed, and i do the same.

We brush our teeth together and i get changed out of my pyjamas whilst Y/n stays in the bathroom, me and her swapping after she was finished, when i came out the bathroom Y/n took a hold of my hand as we walked down the stairs

"So, there's nothing going on today. How does a chill day sound" I suggest letting go of Y/n's hand as she sits at the kitchen island. I keep my eyes on her until she nods her head with a smile, i blow her a kiss and grab a bowl out from the cupboard.

"Toast, pancakes, yogurt with fruit?" I list out, Y/n holds up 3 fingers which tell me that she wants some yogurt and fruit, i smile to her sweetly and grab 2 pots of yogurt and lots of fruit.

As i'm making breakfast, i feel Y/n by my side and watch as she reaches over and turns on the radio, playing some Taylor Swift, laughing to herself as she walked back over to her seat.

Once i'm done, i place Y/n's bowl down in front of her and i hear her mumble a small thank you which fills my heart, i've missed her voice as she hasn't spoken a single word in 3 days.

"You're ever so welcome angel" I kiss her cheek and sit down beside her, she leans into my side staring off ahead of her whilst listening to Taylor singing.

Breakfast was over quickly and now the was day just chill, i take Y/n's and my bowl over to the sink, rinsing them out and placing them in the dishwasher, i turn off the radio and take Y/n's hand again, bringing her into the living room.

"Are you sitting down there?" I ask running my fingers through the top of Y/n's hair, she nods her head and reaches forwards for a coloring-in book and grabs a tub of pencils and pens.

I switch the tv on and lay across the sofa, bringing a blanket up and snuggling into it, i'm watching my show peacefully as my daughter colors on the floor beside me, looking up and me every minute.

It was silent and nice in the room until my phone started buzzing, i picked it up and was asked if i could talk to them privately, so i told Y/n to just wait for me where she was and i was lucky that she agreed and staying coloring.

What i didn't know was that it would take an hour, and stupidly i didn't think to check on Y/n for any part of it, when i went back into the living room, i found Y/n curled up on the floor in a ball, crying onto her knees.

"Darling" I call out softly, not wanting to startle her. She cries more when she looks up and me, her scrambles up from her feet and bolts over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and digging her head into my neck.

"Ssh, i'm sorry that took so long, i didn't mean to leave you on your own" I coo cupping the back of her head and running my thumbs up and down. She lets out loud wails into my chest, and her hands shake around my waist.

"Mommy, i-i thought you were gone, i couldn't even hear your voice and i went to the kitchen and you were gone, and your car isn't even outside" She sobs, using the most words i've seen her use in a while, i shush her again gently and pull her even tighter into me, kissing the top of her head.

"I wouldn't leave you sweetheart, i love you far too much to do that baby, i went into the dining room and my cars in the garage honey" I whisper placing another kiss on her head, she whimpers into me as i move to sit down on the sofa with her on my lap.

"I've got you" I mumble pressing my lips to her cheek and rocking her body and forth gently, i kiss her again and pat her thighs, she tried moving closer to me and grips onto my t-shirt whilst stuffing her face back in my neck.

"Shh, i'm not going anywhere love" I whisper as she lets out a few whines trying to get closer to me again, she relaxes again in my hold as i continue to rub her back, her cries are coming to a stop and she's realising heavy breaths against my neck, i lean back getting comfy, holding my girl even tighter and letting her lay calming in my arms.


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