"the worst day"

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before starting with the story i will just inform you guys that i will change the name of y/n it will be linda just for the story guys i feel a little bit more creative than y/n but you can still take it like y/n it's your choice!!
Sorry that my english is not that good but it's not my first language!!

                         ***LINDA'S POV***

In the way coming home we were all in pedri's car and mona and pepi was sitting in the front seats me and gavi were in the back seats.

pedri: let's play some music lilo( a nickname for the name linda) deserves to celebrate her win.
linda: yeyyy play it louder

we all were having fun, dancing, singing taking photos.
if you asked me i was having so much fun it was the best day of my life.

after a while we arrived at our house.
pedri: we are here guys let's go inside

when we got inside i got upstairs to do a shower.
when i came back they have ordered pizza.
linda: hmm im so hungry
pablo: after all the shots you did in today's game you deserve to eat a great meal.
linda: thank you guys, im so happy that i have you all!
mona: GROUP HUG!! ( she yelled and runs)

we all giggled and hugged together.

pedri: we should watch some movies
pablo: probably yes
mona: HORROR
linda: hell nooo
pedri: well yea i wanna watch a horror movie
pablo: me too
linda: but...
pablo: don't worry you have us nothing will happen
linda: okay, okay whatever..

while we watch the movie i was sitting next to gavi and mona next to pepi.

it wasn't that scary at all i wasn't really scared.
then i felt like someone was behind and when i turned around....
linda: AAAAA ( i  jumped from couch) it was gavi
pablo: hahaha
pepi and mona was laughing

linda: that wasn't funny at all" i said angrily and then i went upstairs for some reason i was so scared that i started crying.

i was in my room then someone knocked on the door .
linda: come in!
pablo: lilo....
i just watched him as he got inside of my room
pablo: are you crying because of me??
linda: it's not a big deal i was just a little scared....
pablo: no you won't cry for little things i know you...look lilo im so sorry im such an idiot, i know that you was scared and still did that im really sorry!!

i just looked at him, he seemed really sorry for what he did.
i just hugged him and i said it's okay.
pablo: im really sorry
linda: it's alright just don't ever do that.

while we were watching another movie gavi got a call he excused himself and he answered the call.

after a while he went running towards the front door and left without saying anything.

pedri: what just happened with him?
linda: im so worried he looked so bad
moana: pedri call him and ask what happened.
pedri: yes i will do that right now

pedri called gavi so many times he haven't answered we were so worried and then 2 hours later gavi called pedri.

pedri: it's gavii
linda: answer

pedri: what....really...where are you now?....okay okay im coming don't go anywhere.....

linda: what happened??
pedri: gavi's mom it's bad again she is at the hospital

moana: we are coming with you pepi
pedri: it's to late
linda: we are coming!!!
pedri: okay  let's go then

when we arrived gavi wasn't there, it was just his sister and his father.

linda: Aurora ( i hugged gavi's sister)
linda: where is gavi?
aurora: he left 5 minutes ago he didn't say anything
pedri: i told him to stay here
moana: where can he be
linda: okay guys let's calm down maybe he is taking fresh air and he'll come back again.

it's been 2 hours since we came here and gavi hasn't come yet and he didn't even call us.
i was so worried we all were so worried about him.

linda: guys i have an idea where gavi can be if he is there im gonna call you.
linda: pepi and mona stay here and call me if something happens.

i went to the beach to look for the place pablo always used to come when he has free time it's his favourite spot.
i walked since it wasn't far from the hospital.

i saw someone sitting in front of the beach and i can spot that boy from a really far distance, it was gavi.

linda: hey...why are you staying here alone?
pablo: it was my fault...
linda: for what and what happened?
pablo: yesterday me and my mom had a fight and she was angry with me and today she is at hospital...
it's all my fucking fault.
linda: don't do this to yourself it's not your fault she has been sick before.
pablo: i know but i make it worse

i saw him tearing up so i just hugged him and then he burst into tears.

pablo: i don't want you to see me crying
linda: don't be stupid pablito.

i hugged him and he just cried in my arms.
i don't know why but my heart was broken seeing him crying.

linda: gavi please don't cry it will be alright.
pablo: this is the worst day ever.


see you in the next chapter guys.
thank you for your support 🫶🏼
I love you all 🫶🏼💕🐻

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