"It's okay im here"

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****PABLO'S POV****
i was now on barcelona the flight took 2 hours and now i arrived at barcelona.
im gonna drive to the house.

when i arrived home pedri opened the door for me.
pedri: hey broo
pablo: hey man
moana: gavii????
linda: what are you doing here?
pablo: well i need a better welcome
linda and moana laughed
moana: well hi (she hugged me)
linda: hey pablito ( she hugged me and i hugged her back)
moana: well do you mind now telling us why did you came back?
pablo: i missed you guys
pedri: yea yea we get it that you are funny
pablo: okay im just kidding, i came back because xavi called me we have a match next week and i need to train.
-and pedri told me what happened here and i decided to come back.
- lilo im so sorry..
linda: you didn't have to come, i mean pepi and mona are here i'll be alright.
pablo: but i wanted to be here too
linda: thank you ( she hugged me)
pedri: okay lovebirds now stop
moana: yea i feel really single now

all of us laughed together.

****MOANA'S POV****
pedri: pablo let's play fifa
moana: okay guys you can play together me and lilo will be at my room we need to talk something.

all of us agreed with me.
me and linda went upstairs at my room.

linda: so what do you need to talk to me
moana: I....
linda: what's wrong?
moana: i think i like someone...
linda: reallyyy
moana: don't get to exited i think he don't like me back
linda: well who is him?
moana: pedri
Moana: girl don't scream
linda: sorry but this is just unbelievable.
-Actually not so unbelievably because i saw how pedri look at you
moana: i don't think that he likes me back
linda: well try to talk to him
moana: i don't know, i don't wanna rush things
linda: that's your decision, whatever you think that is the best for you i will always support your decision.
moana: thank you girl
(we hugged together)
moana: so what about you and pablo?
linda: what about us?
moana: well when are you gonna tell him that you like him?
linda: WHAT, who told you that i like him
moana: come on lilo i know you do
linda: no i don't
moana: mhmm
linda: okay let's go downstairs now im hungry.

                         ****LINDA'S POV****
we went downstairs and saw that the boys was still playing.
linda: guys i wanna play as well
pablo: come here i'll teach you
linda: okayy

pablo grabbed my hand and put it in the controller and his hands was over mine.
damn i felt butterfly in my stomach.
he was teaching me how to play and he was watching me in the eyes i was blushing.
i was trying so hard to not show it

moana: okay lovebirds we need to order food cuz im so hungry.
pedri: yes but how about we go out and buy food together and walk a bit because fast food place is not far?
moana: then okay let's go
linda: im tired you two can go
pablo: yes yes pedri knows where the fast food place is.
linda: you two can go together.

i chuckled and moana give me a death stare
me and pablo looked at each other and high-five each other.

they left and there we were just me and pablo together watching at our phones.

then i got a message from my sister.

-hey sis how are you?

-im fine what about you?

- well im so bad

-what happened???

-my father is marrying me with a boy that i don't even know


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