"the end of us"

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well it's been 1 week now since i left the hospital, i've been going to the hospital every morning for my treatment..

well things aren't going so bad, well until now...

pablo has been staying with me for everything, he helped me with everything, he is being here for me in my hardest days and in my best days..

isla in the other hand is being so distant from me, i understand her im the worst person ever...

no one wants to be friends with me...

just like moana left, she was my childhood friend and still left me....

well im the most idiot person, the most fat person, the most annoying person that they could have ever meet.

i just wanted isla to stay in my life forever but even tho she doesn't want to i can't keep her i do understand her....

so i just texted a letter for her hoping that she will see it and read it....

dear isla, my best friend, my sister that i didn't know i needed, thank you for being here for me in the bad and in the good days, thank you for listening to my videos while doing my makeup and skincare, thanks you for sending me videos where you did your skincare, we shared our worst days and the best days together, doing our hauls, watching the games together sending each other snaps and texting every fucking day, thank you for being here with me even tho im the worst person ever, i know im just a fucking fat person who doesn't deserve anything, my life was so hard that i made you feel so bad as well, i will never forgive myself for doing this, i will never be able to forget you, im writting this while crying my eyes out, i hope i have took my phone with me in hospital, i hope i had replied your messages, i hope i did reply your calls, so none of those would have happened, i was at the fucking hospital, i wish i didn't go there so i would just leave in peace.....

i hope you'll read this and i will be waiting for your message every day....

i know you don't want me in your life but i'll still wait for your message...

im so sorry for being a person who doesn't deserve your love....

i love you and i will always do....💔

i guess this is the end of us....

with all the heart your lenabell 🫀


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