don't leave me

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                       *^still linda's pov^*

i wake up with pablo's hands wrapped around my waist.

i kissed his forehead and i started to soothe his hair.

he moved a little and said.

pablo: morning amorcito
his eyes were still closed.

i smiled and said.
linda: morning pablito
-How did you sleep?

Pablo: good but im still so tired
i looked at him

linda: but you just woke up
i looked at him with a question face.

pablo: to tell the truth i haven't sleep good this week that's why.

linda: it's alright baby sleep again then

he nodded and drifted back to sleep.

i grabbed my phone and scrolled down on tik tok.

there were a lot of pablo's videos and then i saw a video of me and pablo on his game kissing.

that was so cute.

that's when i heard pablo mumbling on his sleep.

i couldn't hear him so clearly but i think it was for his grandma.

pablo: don't leave me
-please grandma

i touched his arm gently.

he flinched and then looked at me he was sweating and looked so worried and sad.

pablo: amorcito

linda: im here my love, im here don't worry
i hugged him and he hugged me tight.

after a while pablo calmed down.

linda: have you been seeing nightmares lately?

pablo: yes that's why i couldn't sleep

i felt so bad for him.

his mental health is not okay .

linda: pablo?

pablo: yes?
linda: would you like to come with me to a therapist together

he looked at me confused

linda: i have been going a lot lately and it really helps pablito

he hesitated first but then he nodded.

pablo: yea i'll come i guess it's the best thing to do right now

i smiled and kissed him.

i love the way he always understands me.

pablo: i don't know if it's me who is saying this but im hungry

i chuckled a little and got up from the bed.

linda: then let's go and eat breakfast

i remembered that i didn't bring clothes with myself.

linda: pabloo

pablo: what's up?
linda: i didn't bring any clothes with myself

pablo: that's alright i'll give you something from my clothes.

since it was november and it was cold outside gavi bring something comfy and warm for both of us.

i loved it.

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