12 Bedroom phobia and emotional outburst

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Anirudh and Bondita   reached Deenpur hotel. On the way Nila and Bihari told that they will go and collect their luggage from Prabodh babu house inform in their family and directly come to station. Anirudh asked can you manage or should I come there.

Bihari told : No need malik I know the routes we will come by time 

While leaving Anirudh kept some cash in his hands and asked them to eat in hotel and come to station.

Anirudh and Bondita only reached hotel with her luggage 

He spoke with hotel manager and told that he is checking out the room today and came to collect luggage.

And he unlocked and   stepped into room, she is at door step only .

She is  looking scared and nervous by seeing bedroom how to get into room alone with a man . Her mind is filled with anxiety and tension.

She Recollected  Thakuma and other village ladies talks, their  preachings to new brides unmarried or about to marry daughters in which Thakuma made her also a listener that men will always get into romantic mood with women when they are alone and especially in bedroom. They won't leave women for a second.

That's why now she is getting scared to get into room with him  .

Till now  she had escaped from Brijwasi maximum with Durga maa Grace and didn't get into anyone's bedroom like this. Even though brijwasi forced her in many ways but still she managed to escape  in nick of time . For that she had injured herself many times engaged herself in everyone's work and gave those excuses and sometimes hidden in secret cupboards also

But now.. escaping from barrister Babu who became her Patibabu is highly impossible.. he is highly stubborn . What to do

He turned and looked at her. She is at door step only looking nervously.

With her latest shock - last minute suicide attempt shock she gave him  somewhere he is now scared that what if she runs away  from there... he can't take any chance with this crazy girl

So he immediately went and pulled her into bedroom and  locked the door. This raised her heartbeat more and looked at him shockingly.

She is thinking: will he start phoolsojja rasam now only ..

She Recollected  Tapur words   during her farewell her sister whispered in her ears while bidding farewell that : Didi on your insistence I kept sleeping pills in your luggage. But Don't take too much of dosage. Just take few and you won't get conscious for nearly 8 hours.

Bondita is thinking now what to do how to take medicine what if he start now only how can I endure that pain and scratches. Everyone used to tell that it's really painful.

She personally saw 14 years Tupur have suffered a lot.

When she is drowned in her thoughts
He made her sit in sofa he sat on knees infront of  her and called her : Bondita...

She came out of thoughts  got alerted tried to get up but he softly made her sit in sofa by holding her knees . That tender touch of his  is only disturbing her alot

He raised her chin and she is intentionally turning her gaze. He asked : Why this much angry and hatred on me Bondita? Are you still suspecting that I intentionally spoken those harsh words in phone to hurt you.

She shooked her head . He asked won't you talk to me. Please Bondita don't be harsh with me.

She is thinking: what to tell?  And   glancing nervously at bedroom and towards bed.

He cupped her cheeks and is assuring that my  intention is only to keep you happy. Don't think of me  as a wild animal . Your fear is hurting me and making me feel ashamed of myself

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