17 Hugging Patibabu soothed all pains of traumatic past

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Bondita once again started revealing her painful past to Anirudh who is laying in her lap. He also intentionally asked her to repeat it so that burden will be reduced and it comes out of her  in form of tears. Even though he had to listen  once again all those bitter moments which will stab his heart burn his soul but there is no option. He had to take out all that pain from her. Once again he and she both had to go through that pain  else she can't be relieved from burden and they can't start new phase.

She started telling:

After separating from you at Calcutta I  went back to KRISHNANAGAR and got admission in Deenpur school with Thakuma influence.

Initially people used to Murmur and passed displeasing looks but when I Involved in one girl's matter people got enraged on me and ran after me.

I got scared and ran to Tulsipur to meet you but what I didnt expect is our...  (She again controlled herself and told) I mean your family members have insulted me and thrown me out of their haveli telling that they are going to fix your marriage with a young girl And I also saw her there.

She is so beautiful , looking fair and have  stylish looks like your childhood friend. she is matching you in age but whereas me I don't match with you in any aspect. Your sampoorna maa kaka baba  also blamed that I can't give birth to their waris so no use with me as if I am a commodity and when understood that this commodity is not useful they don't want anymore..

At that moment only my heart is broken . It filled with all bitterness

When I came out of haveli  at that time Tulsipur villagers also chased me  as they themselves decided that I  don't have right to live as I was  abandoned by my  Patibabu and they almost raised their hands which had sticks and swords .

There entered brijwasi and rescued me  who attracted Krishnanagar villagers with his manipulative words by telling few slokas in Gita and made them feel that she is having supernatural powers she is  choti Durga maa born for favouring the society. However Tulsipur villagers didn't believe and brijwasi asked them to go away he will use his power to curse them . Ignorant Tulsipur villagers ran away from there.

I  got angry and tried to scold brijwasi but he held my  hand and whispered that:  I am saving your life. Keep quiet.

But still I tried to argue there came Thakuma and she too listened everything. She made me keep quiet by taking me  away from there to haveli.

And Brijwasi made everyone believe his words and villagers along with brijwasi came  to our haveli with fruits and sweets started calling me Maayi maayi and addressing him as pitaji

At first I didn't understand but when villagers revealed what brijwasi told then I tried to argue that it's all cheating. I don't have supernatural powers at all.

Still he convinced then with his words and made them go away.

Thakuma straight forward asked brijwasi: who are you  ? What are you expecting from us 

BRIJWASI came and took Thakuma blessings and introduced himself. He manipulated her with his words that he is willing to marry me .

I am trying to tell no don't do this but he kept on talking with Thakuma praising her calibre that she had earned name as great vaid of KRISHNANAGAR Despite of being a lonely woman

He assured that he will bring perfect matches to Tupur and Tapur and their husbands will be obedient to you as Ghar jaamayi or useful jamayibabu for for entire lifetime.

Initially I have argued fought but when Krishnanagar villagers have started coming to our Haveli respecting me as maayi  Thakuma went into thoughts.

Very soon he really  brought Tupur and Tapur alliances  from decent families I was left with no option than to keep quiet because Thakuma and kaki are happy with those alliances.

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