19 Bondita's trust on her Patibabu, who provoked Trilochan against Bondita?

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Bondita's body started reacting and enjoying the pleasure of lip to lip kiss with her Patibabu. It's happening which she never thought that it will happen in her life..

She was kissing her Patibabu which is no less than a miracle for her almost unbelievable as if it's a fairy dream! Oh what a blissful feeling it is . Tears are not stopping .

She had listened here and there about kiss from many girls and they used to gl that their husbands won't allow them to breathe just capture it but here her Patibabu is kissing her gently

Many scary thoughts and nightmares are being reminsced by her memory and her Patibabu is strangling all those thoughts with his one kiss by placing her in his lap and indirectly...no no directly only giving assurance that he is there for her

She always used to scare in these last 5 years that where is her life heading to why this Brijwasi intruded in her life . Why can't she stay with her Patibabu? Is he really a paraya mard to her?

When she finally reconciled to marry Brijwasi only she know how much she had cursed herself blamed herSelf with her own decision..she has to surrender her body to him and he will touch it squeeze it with his dirty hands everywhere and anywhere whenever he want - the feeling itself has made her to feel that caterpillars crawling on her body .

Whenever he used to force her, touch her harshly in private parts she used to silently moan her Patibabu name deep inside her heart and used to ask apology from Durga maa to forgive her for taking other woman's husband name . But now finally she became official wife to her Patibabu .

She understood that he is her man her own kissing her gently with tears in eyes like a kid.

She is enjoying his touch silently

His kiss and tears are telling how much he had missed her . Years of pain, grief and this yearning had reached an end . It is also telling that how much he had also suffered..She started crying out loudly.

Seeing her like that Anirudh had broken their kiss and asked placing his hand on her cheek : what happened Bondita? Why are you crying! You are not reacting. Am I scaring you by kissing you like this

She shooked her head and asked like a child : You...you really love me only na Patibabu?

Anirudh with breaking voice: haa Bondita...I really love you only and cupped her cheeks .

She again asked like a child : we won't get separated again right . This is our official marriage na . No one will ask me to leave you and go away . Right Patibabu

He shooked his head and told: no one will separate us Bondita..I won't let anyone come in between us ..shotti

She asked:. Patibabu I am nomore your Zimmedari right.

He took her hands in his sat on knees and told: I know all my faults Bondita..I remember everything. You know what .. daily I am suffocating repenting and cursing myself for bringing other fake wife Manorama in my life and scaring you to the worst in those days . Just for a minute reason I did too much injustice to you literally backstabbed you .. I feel so ashamed of my acts even I remember now also.

Because of me you have suffered to the worst ... this Guilty feeling of bringing fake wife in my life is one of the reason
forced me to stay away from you in these 5 years.. because I know all my faults that's why I stayed here in distance and loving you by staying away because as a punishment and redemption of my acts . I felt that I should not stay in your life you deserve best husband than me . That's why...with much difficult I stayed here like a mechanical stone hearted person Bondita .

She made him stand and shooked her head about to tell but he continued
: But when I learnt that you too loved me even after these many years I couldn't hold myself anymore and stay away from you. That's why I came running to you ...I can't hold any of my emotions anymore..

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