32 Roy Chowdhary properties auction, Anirudh gave reality check to his kaka

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Anirudh and Bondita again came back to Ranjan kaka house  informed that their family is in problem and they are going to spend this cash for releasing their properties from auction

Ranjan told Bondita : This is your and your husband's money beta. How you spend this money is your wish . No need to tell me ..also you can stay here as many days as you want ..it's your house too

They both kept cash at Ranjan kaka house and went to factory and mills to enquire about auction and want to know why is this happening and how their family reached to this crisis state

But no one replied them properly at factory and at distance they saw manager is dictating everyone and behaving as dictator with all employees and labour .

There one old employee is carrying carton box of their factory product and due to his old age he can't carry it and made it fall down and manager came there and kicked him . Anirudh and Bondita rushed to him and he is about to fall but in last minute he was held by both of them from falling on ground

By seeing ANIRUDH there manager got alerted and worried.

Anirudh came and held his collar angrily yelling on him and kicking oj his ribs that how dare you hit an old man ? Don't you know to respect elders ? Remember you are also an employee here .. you and he are both same here . Is this the way you behave with old man when your boss is not available here ? Your boss might have given you authority to look after the factory but not to show authority on remaining employees

whereas other side Bondita made that old man sit under tree . By seeing her courtesy another old labour came with pot of water and gave to Bondita and she made the old employee to drink.

He drank eagerly and thanked her whereas she asked now how are you kaka ?

He replied: I am fine...ba..(he hesitated for a second but next second he told) Bahuraniji

Manager goons came and held Anirudh and freed their boss. Bondita came running to free her Patibabu from goons and other two held her.

Hey Anirudh babu ! You and your baba kaka are nomore our bosses. Now everything will happen as per my instructions and bhupendra babu instructions here . From tomorrow onwards bhupendra babu is going to take over your Roy Chowdhary companies by paying highest amount in auction and your kaka baba will become beggars. So stay in your limits - manager hissed angrily

Anirudh: I just came to find what's the reason behind this auction. Now I understood what could be the reason and who is responsible for this . So you are the backstabber of our companies.. you are the one who made sampoorna being kicked out of family. Fine I will see how our Roy Chowdhary companies will be auctioned tomorrow and who had audacity to take over our companies

Manager laughed viciously and told you can't do anything Anirudh babu. May be you are having profits of your tea estate but definitely it won't be enough. Bhupendra babu already enquired everything about you . Whatever the amount you have in your Darjiling bank won't be enough to free your Roy Chowdhary properties

And here The amount is not a less amount. Bhupendra babu will increase its worth tomorrow and angrezi govt won't give anytime. . Spot cash is to be paid which definitely you don't have now . You can do nothing so get out from here .

Anirudh is about to answer but Bondita stopped him and told that we will answer him tomorrow in the right time. Let's go for now Patibabu - she convinced and both left from there glaring seriously at manager and his goons

Manager immediately made call to bhupendra and informed the same who reprimanded manager and asked him to make sure that they won't create any hindrances tomorrow and save their family. At any cost I want Roy Chowdhary properties and factory .

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