Chapter 60 : Battle of Hogwarts III, Endgame. The end of Voldemort!?

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Chapter 60 

"No," Hadrian replied casually, "But I doubt anyone would approve of what I am going to do to you, but let's keep that between us shall we, Tom? You deserve a special kind of justice after all," he finished with a feral grin.

"This ends now!" He growled as Harry fired a particularly dark cutting curse, a curse that would cut into the bone and sear the flesh and muscle around it, at the man who side stepped it warily.

"Impressive," Riddle conceded, "You must have dug quite deeply to find that one," he acknowledged with a nod. "But not good enough!" he roared as he fired a string of curses towards Hadrian.

Hadrian recognized a blood-boiling curse, an entrail-expulsion curse, and a heart-stopping hex. He dodged the first two and batted the other back towards Tom who dodged it nimbly.

"Not impressed." Hadrian shrugged as he slashed his wand through the air quickly, launching a purple bolt in Tom's direction.

He saw a look of surprise cross Tom's face before he quickly conjured a large silver dome which absorbed the spell, much to his relief.

"One of Antonin's favourites," Voldemort observed. "A very dangerous spell to play with Harry" he warned as he shot the same spell back at the teen who conjured the same shield he had just witnessed, to prevent the curse from hitting him. Suddenly, Voldemort's face shifted to half Gaulitier and Half Voldemort, which looked gross.

Hadrian growled angrily and began firing curses at will towards his foe who followed suit.

The two / three men danced around, shooting an array of lethal hexes, jinxes and curses at one another, dodging, shielding and batting them away when necessary.

The time for talking was well and truly over, for now.

They pushed each other to the best of their abilities and soon found themselves in a stalemate, a fight between equals as Tom expected from what the prophecy had stated.

Each man was certainly impressed by the skill the other was showing, though they both expected the fight of a lifetime from the other.

Hadrian began shooting off some of the more obscure spells that he had been learning from his Grandfather's and Peverell's collection. He was pleased to see a look of concern cross Han's side of face as he clearly recognized some of them.

Tom and Gaulitier dodged the spells he did not recognize. He may not know what they were but he knew that they were intended to kill or maim. He could feel the power the younger man possessed and began to worry about the unrecognisable spells that were coming at him fast and thick.

He grew weary of the attritional fight he found himself in and decided to fight with the curses that had not failed him yet.

He began firing killing curses as quickly as he could. They were tiring but he knew the fight would be over if he could catch the nimble younger wizard with just one of them.

Hadrian began conjuring granite slabs and blocking the killing curses; he knew that Gaulimort would get desperate if they was resorting to only firing them.

He paused to fire a powerful bone-breaker, only to realise that he had made a mistake by pausing in his movement.

"Crucio" Gaulimort roared triumphantly as he saw Potter pause to fire his spell.

He wasn't particularly keen on prolonging the fight with the cruciatus curse but the incantation was much shorter and it would incapacitate the teen so he could be finished at will.

Hadrian collapsed as sheer agony ignited throughout every nerve ending in his body, surprisingly he only felt it for a split second.

He heard Gaulimort scream in pain as his own curse impacted, however, it did not deter the Dark Lords.

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