Chapter 14 : Troll in Hogwarts

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Chapter 14

"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!" squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too - never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest." It was All Hallows Eve, or commonly known as Halloween, and the first class of the day was charms with Flitwick. He had announced that they were finally going to start making things levitate- Harry already knew how to do it but he did suppose it would be amusing to see his brother and some of the more stupid Gryffindors fail.

The entire class went to casting, but before anyone could say a word, there was a cry of "WINGARDIUM LEVIOOOOSA!" from Seamus Finnigan, before the feather exploded and burst into flames, torching his hair and leaving the ashes of the feather on his face to the great amusement of people around him.

"Ah. Insufficient concentration." Flitwick flicked his wand wiping the soot from Seamus' face and conjured a new feather for him. "Try again Mr Finnigan, try to picture the feather levitating as you say the spell."

Harry pointed his wand at the feather, and murmured the incantation. His feather rose and he moved his wand, controlling it as if he was a puppet master. "Look everyone, Mr Potter's done it. 20 points to Slytherin." This was met with a low growl coming from Granger, who hated being shown up in anything. Honestly, not everything was a competition. To her increasing ire, all of his friends managed to levitate the feather before her.

As he gazed around the class, Harry could hear the bickering coming from the Weasel and the bookworm. "You're doing it wrong! It's Wingardium LeviOOOsa, not LeviosAAA!" shouted Hermione, oblivious to the stares they were getting.

"Well, you do it then if you're so bloody smart," the red-head waste disposal machine said getting as bright as a tomato.

Hermione turned her nose at him, pointed her wand at the feather and said the incantation ending it with a flick. The feather rose a few inches off the ground, and stayed there before it fell again. "Well done Miss Granger. 5 points to Gryffindor," said Flitwick in his extremely squeaky voice when he saw it. Hermione looked somewhat pleased, yet still very annoyed considering she wasn't the first to do it and the fact she only got 5 points.

After the class, Weasel was talking loudly about how Granger was a twat. "Honestly, can you believe her? It''s LeviOsa not LeviosAA! No wonder she hasn't got any friends!" he exclaimed to Harry's brother.

Suddenly, a blur of bushy brown hair rushed past Harry, nearly knocking him over in the process. "Looks like she heard him," said Draco, very amused.

"Honestly, Drake-Drake. It's hard, not considering how loud Weasley was about it." Draco flushed at the use of the nickname his mother had assigned to him, cursing her for saying that in front of Harry of all people. "Stop blushing. It's not like I call you that regularly like Parkinson."

Draco suddenly shuddered, remembering the horribly weird baby voice Pansy had used whilst calling him that. "That girl has some serious problems."

"She's a Grade 5 stalker," interjected Rigel.

"Aren't you going after her Draco? You look so concerned."

"Please, shut up. If I can survive getting accidentally flung out of a window using my dads Broom, she can survive being insulted. It's not the end of the world."

"Now Draco," Harry said, bringing the topic back to the Malfoy heir, "It's clear that Parkinson wants to marry you and stay with you forever and it wouldn't hurt you to accept some of her advances."

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