The Bugs

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•Reds POV•

"Well first you have to know about the coming bugs."
"Yes. Bugs. These certain bugs are small. So small you can barely see them. They can go into apps unnoticed and destroy them from the inside. First bug that will come is called the locust. The locust crawls into the settings of the app and releases a poison. Once this poison is in place the spider and leech come in to play. The leech eats at code and can forever disable an app, he can also attach to any moving object and take control of it. The spider makes a trap and lures in viruses of all types, but only the worst of all viruses. Once the bugs jobs are completed the computer is on a course set for complete destruction. Any and everything inside the computer will be deleted forever. "
"How am I supposed to stop that?! I'm powerless against this!"
"Oh, so you think. Being a hacker be whole life I've learned some technical stuff. These will help you. "
Coda held out a glowing turquoise bracelet. Red took it and held it in the air.
"How will this help? "
"This bracelet has been programmed to give the person wearing it multiple different powers. You will have the ability to fly, the ability to heal, the ability to be quick and agile, and so on and so forth. "
Red looked at the bracelet. It looked very technical and it would be a shame if she broke it.
"What if it gets wet? "
"No worries. Water won't cause any damage. "
Red slipped the bracelet on her rist.
"Coda! "
Someone ran into the room.
"The techlinova is getting ready now. The bugs are in place. I checked the count down. We only have 5 minutes!"
Coda shook her head.
"We will end this."
Coda turned to red.
"Red, this is my helper. Her names Avanova, call her Ava."
Avanova shook reds hand.
"So your our helper. Well, I guess you deserve to know something about me. My brother is second in command in the malware gang. His name's Novacom. He's never liked me and never pays attention to me."
"I'm so sorry! "
"Don't be. We're enemies anyway. He's evil and I'm trying to stop him."
She turned to Coda.
"Did you tell her who she's up against?"
Coda sighed.
"Not yet. Red. The controllers of this group are insane. They are great hackers. They've retrieved old viruses, such as Melissa and Mydoom (go research the worst computer viruses, it's interesting), and can release them into your computer. The leader is named Techne, second in command is Novacom, and there helper is Link. That's were the name Techlinova comes from. These viruses they bring back get put together and sent to your computer as one large virus. If this gets sent to your computer, there's no hope. "
Red was stunned. Coda closed her eyes and shook her head. Avanova stared at the wall.
"Let's end them. "
She growled.

Techlinova Hackers - AvA/M Alan Becker Fanfiction, Prt 3Where stories live. Discover now