06 - luahan hati

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im known for being a soft-hearted and rarely get mad or angry. people who knows me well will know that. but now now, i feel like i have changed. im still the same me but not the old me. its bcs im just tired and so disappear. i become easily get mad. stress even a little things and very sensitive person.

im tired of pleasing people. im trying so hard to take care of their feelings and be nice always. but then what i got? just heartache. its really hurt. they dont even think about my feelings. they always make fun of me. then its make me turn to cold hearted one. bcs of them, im just tired of people like this.

they've changed me. im not the one who want all of this but them. im hurt, stress. people will always step on you if you being too good to them nowadays. its sad but thats the reality now. but that wont change me into bad person. sometimes i lose myself. i will lock myself in room. not meeting people for a day. taking a rest from outside world. just me. lay on my bed.

im so thankful for still having my family, my friends who always support me and take care of me. dont change to be bad one bcs of someone who dont deserve to be into your life. but sometimes it's okay to show them how you feel. show them you are enough. show them that you are not weak. show them that you still can be kind after what they did. dont let them make u feel down or stressed out. just leave the types of people. you can live without them for sure.

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