heart to heart

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a person who projects their harsh criticism onto another person does not mean that they genuinely care about the person’s life. they are haters who thrive on providing blatant criticism, so it is best for us to ignore them and get on with our life. of course, this is easier said than done.

what we focus on expands. however, if we concentrate on the road in front of us, we would be able to safely pass the neighbouring barriers quickly. when someone criticises us in a constructive way, take that as a cue to renew our commitment to our life and attention on the task at hand. but if it’s not constructive criticism, take no heed. some people are driven by criticising other people’s efforts, and our life is too short to be concerned about winning their favour.

focus on the road, not the wall. if we’re going to address the people who judge us, surprise them with kindness instead of responding to their criticism. don’t allow ourselves to stoop to their level. at the end of the day, we are the ones who need to decide what's best for ourselves.

we will face criticism from others whether it is said directly to our face or behind our back. people only want to see how we respond and hold us back from chasing our goals, but in reality, they don’t care about our life.

pesan tak sampaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora