Right Person But I'm Afraid There Will Never Be A Right Time

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The Morning After

Silent sobs escape my throat and I can feel my body trembling with sadness.

Staring at the tainted sheets, I can just see his fingertips just out of my reach in the bed beside me.

I'm a terrible person. I've betrayed Lando in the worst possible way.

I'm afraid to move and wake him up into this nightmare.

Charles felt familiar, everything about last night felt familiar. I remember experiencing it in my memories, but I could guarantee that I'd never felt his body in top of mine the way I did last night.

The way it felt to have his hands exploring my body, touching me in ways that would leave permanent traces of admiration over all parts of my skin.

I'd experienced the touch of love before, but having someone who loves you and willingly knows you couldn't love them with everything you have is another thing.

I couldn't take it anymore, I sit up in a rush, sitting on the edge of the bed, my hands connecting with my regret filled cheeks and trying to wipe away my sins.

"Ev?" His croaky voice rattled through me.

I feel his hand come up gently onto the side of my arm.

"Hey, are you okay?" He soothes.

I shake my head and wipe pointlessly at the endless stream of tears.

"Talk to me" he begs, bringing himself right up behind me, his legs appearing either side of mine as he pulls me against his chest, his head cradling into the side of my neck.

"That was a mistake" I mumble and I feel his body immediately stiffen at my words.

I hear him swallow deeply beside me, struggling for a response.

"I'm sorry" I weep.

Charles shakes his head, "you don't need to be sorry"

"I do. We shouldn't have done then" then it dawns on me and I push myself away from him immediately, pacing toward the door and turning around as if he'd shocked me. "You're with Charlotte" I shout. "Oh my god. You're with Charlotte and we just.. I just" I run my fingers through my hair, "Charles. What have we just done?"

Charles sits forward, pinching his nose, "Ev" he whispers.

"No" I bark, "I just made you cheat. I'm the other woman"

"No you're you and I'm me, and this just.." he motions between us but can't find the words.

I am crying now, but for a different reason, "Charles, we shouldn't have done that" I shake my head.

"Made we should have, come on, Ev. Think about it" Charles gets up and begins to make his way to me but I stop him with my hand up, "Ev, please."

"No" I shake my head. "I need..."

I'm cut off by hearing Landon waking up in the room down the hall.

"Shit" I whisper, looking between Charles and out the door toward Landon's room. "I need you to leave" I ask.

"Let's talk about this?" He begs as I cross the room, pulling my dressing gown off the chair, wrapping it around me.

"Charles, this was a huge mistake." I reiterate. "I'm so sorry I made you do that"

"You didn't make me do anything, Ev. I've wanted this for so long. And I know that's wrong to say, but.."

I shake my head, "There's not but's Charles. That should never have happened".

I walk out the room and down towards Landon's room, and I can hear Charles following me.

"Hey buddy" I coo as I open Landon's door, seeing him standing at the edge of his cot.

Picking him up, I settle him on my hip and head for the kitchen, settling him into his high chair and handing him his water cup.

"Ev?" Charles begs again, joining us in the kitchen.

"You need to leave, Charles" I press. "Please"

Charles eyes me for a moment before softly nodding his head. He ruffles Landon's hair before pressing a kiss into the top of it and I follow him to the front door.

He walks through but stops, turning around and holding onto the frame so I'm unable to close it.

"Don't shut me out now, Ev. Please. It was a rough night and you and I have so much history and I just..." he tries to explain.

"There's no excuses for it, Charles." I shake my head.

"Then tell me you felt nothing. Tell me that the entire time you were begging I was someone else and that you didn't, for even a moment, feel human again"

Tears threaten my eyes and a lodge of truth clumps in my throat. I just shake my head in small shakes. "I can't do that" I admit.

"I felt it too. I felt all of it, Ev. I'll speak to Charlotte, I'll explain and then we.."

"No" I breath out frustrated. "No, Charles. We nothing. This can't happen. This shouldn't happen"

I see a small tear escape down the edge of Charles nose and it breaks my heart.

"I don't love her like I love you" he admits in a whisper.

My eyes pinch shut and I glare up at the ceiling. "I have to go" I cut off, closing the door slowly until he moves his hand.

One the door latches and I quickly lock it shut like it would explode if I didn't, my hand snatches to my mouth as I gasp for air.

"Shit, shit, shit" I stammer.

I let out a breath and head back to the kitchen, putting on a brave face for Landon.

"Charles?" Landon asks, pointing toward the door.

"He had to go baby, sorry" I smile, bending down to be eye level with his face.

"Is he coming back?"

I can't answer him, "hey, are you hungry. Do you want some fruit and yoghurt?"

"Fruit and yoghurt" he sings, clapping his hands.

"Okay" I chuckle, "We can go see Uncle Max later too, down with the cars?"

"Uncle Maxie! Can he take me driving?" He asks excitedly.

"We'll see baby" I agree.

FOR HIM [Lando Norris] ~ Gridlock Series Stand Alone ~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz