12 Years Later

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After what felt like the longest day, I'm finally settled into the guest room with Landon in the bed next to me, playing on his iPad after cleaning up for the night.

"Did you have a good day with Pa Norris today?" I ask him, pulling the covers up over the top of us.

"Yeah, he's terrible at golf though" he mocks.

"Is he?" I gasp in a chuckle.

Landon nods even though his attention remains in the device.

"I'm really sorry about what I said this morning, mum" Landon apologises quietly.

"No, you have nothing to be sorry for baby. I'm sorry I didn't realise you were feeling that way. I should have known" I sympathise.

"It's okay" he mumbles, his attention remaining on his device. 

I feel the vibration coming from my phone, as I flip it over and see Charles' face across the screen, I tilt the phone from Landon's view. "Are you okay in here for a bit? I'm just going to step out" I ask him. 

He nods his head as I tip toe out of bed and head for the front door. "Say hi to Charles for me" he mocks. 

I shake my head, sending him a look before closing the door behind me, answering the call and pulling it up to my ear. "Hold on" I whisper to him as I tip toe past Cisca and Adam's room and down the stairs out to the back garden. 

"Hey, hello, I'm here" I answer as I settle into the garden stool. 

"How was your day?" he asks as I can hear the ruffle of his sheets in the background. 

"Yeah it was okay. It was good" I clarify. "Landon had a nice time with Adam, so that's all that matters" I reveal. "How was your day?" 

"Same old, bit boring though. I think I'm so used to coming to hang out with you and Landon, when you're not here I feel lost" he teases. 

I let out a breathily chuckle. "I know the feeling" I admit. 

"What time are you coming back tomorrow?" he asks. 

"Umm" I think to tomorrow's schedule, "I'm not entirely sure. I think Cisca has some plans in the morning. Hopefully not too late" 

"Shall I bring pizza's around for dinner? So you don't need to worry about cooking?" he suggests. 

"That sounds nice, Landon would love that" I reply. 

It's like I can hear his smile through the phone but it's quiet for a few moments. "Ran into Charlotte today" he admits. 

"Oh" I gasp, "How did that go?" 

He chuckles, "Yeah, it was, awkward. But she's doing well." 

I nod although he can't see me. Charlotte has always been a touchy subject. "That's good then." 

"She asked about you" 

I can't help the noise that escaped me, "Did she now?" 

"Ev, the whole situation was messy." he comforts. 

"I know" I agree, "After Lando passed and I remembered that we had a friendship, it was more confusing that she didn't try and reconnect with me after. Just had to try and date every man in my life" I mock. 

"Ev" he whispers. 

"It's fine." I shake my head. "Do you miss her?" 

Charles is quiet for a minute, "I think it's complicated" he admits in a whisper. 

FOR HIM [Lando Norris] ~ Gridlock Series Stand Alone ~Where stories live. Discover now