It Takes More Than I'm Sorry

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3 Years Ago

I actually feel nervous walking down the hall toward Landon's room. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt him. I didn't mean too, but it seemed like, at the moment, no matter what I did, I was hurting someone. I just had to make sure I didn't keep hurting the wrong people.

As much as it's wrong, Evelyn and Landon are at the top of my priority list, and I think the issue is, is that Charlotte knows that. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the girl. I was genuinely upset that our relationship ended the first time, and I wanted to do what I could to protect it this time. But I don't know I would put it above losing Ev and Landon as a result. 

I was just having a hard time juggling them at the moment. 

I knock on Landon's door whilst I press my ear up against the wood. 

"Landon?" I ask.  

He doesn't respond, but I can hear the clicking of his playstation controller. 

I open the door cautiously. 

"Landon?" I ask again, a little louder. 

He turns around to face me, sliding his headphones off his head, letting them wrap around his neck. 

"Hey buddy" I mumble .

He jumps off the bed, rounding it and coming toward me. 

But instead of maybe the hug I was expecting, his two hands come in contact with my torso as he pushes me backwards. 

Out of his door before he slams it in my face and I hear the latch lock closed. 

My head drops in disappointment and it rips me right to my core. 

I see the vision of Evelyn down the end of the hall, frozen as she watches the interaction, her hand cupping her mouth, looking almost slightly amused. 

I ignore her and turn my attention back to Landon's room. 

I knock again, "Landon, I want to apologise" I announce. 

"Go Away!" he yells. 

I sit myself down on the floor, my back pressed up against the wall right next to his door. 

"I messed up, buddy. And I'm really sorry" I speak, hoping he is on the other side listening and his headphones haven't been placed back on his head. 

"I shouldn't have cancelled our plans. I was really looking forward to taking you down the track, and I really messed up." 

I listen intently, but I don't hear anything. Which is a positive, because I can't hear the playstation keys either. I glance over toward the end of the hall where Evelyn is resting up against the wall, looking less amused and more upset now. 

"It's really hard you know, all I want to do is spend every minute of the day wth you, and your mum, but it's not possible. And then when I have to share my time with other people, all I want to do is be right here. With you guys." 

My eyes find Evelyn at the end of my statement but she ducks her head away and returns to the kitchen. 

"You're allowed to be angry at me, Landon. I'm angry with myself. But I would like it if you would talk to me, help me work out how to fix this" 

I hear his door unlatched slowly before it creeks open. 

He peeps his head around the corner, "Does Charlotte hate me?" he asks. 

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