chapter7 {Everyone is were they supposed to be}

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Inside a gloomy office, found in the School Of Witchcraft And Wizarding of Hogwarts' dungeons, were two people, a greasy black hair professor reading through the letter that was given to him by one of his new students.

The cold eyes of the professor skimmed the letter few times, but he had no idea what the old Headmaster would possibly want to say to the new member of the snakes house. And why he had to be this secretive to not even mention his name or the subject of the sudden fishy meeting. 'why that old man have to be so mysterious'. He wanted to grab his head and curse out loud but he had to keep his face in front of the strangers; even if that stranger was the son of his childhood friend.

"Professor, I wonder if it possible for you to be there since I haven't met the Headmaster." The student's voice brought a new question to his thoughts 'He hasn't met the Headmaster yet? Just how is this possible?'

"Well, I suppose your request is reasonable. I'll meet you at the due time." The professor said " Now you may leave if you are done. " The student left him, soon after his permission, with lots of answersless questions.

The old headmaster of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizarding was waiting impatiently inside his round room for the famous Harry Potter to arrive. He did not expect to see the potion professor with him.

"Severus what brought you here at this hour ?" The Headmaster sounded like a kind and concern grandfather.

The potion master brushed the older man's question with a similar question "Albus; what is so important that you need to discuss it with my student 'at this hour' ?"

Harry could see the old goat face filled with anger for a split of second and back to his grandfatherly facade, if Harry didn't knew better he would have thought his eyes were seeing wrong due to some silly reason.

"Oh, nothing just it came to my attention that the hat wasn't working properly the time it was sorting Mr.Potter." The Headmaster cursed him self internally after he said the excuse he had prepared for an eleven year old who knew nothing about the magical word and how it work. To his misfortune the two people listening to him weren't eleven or unfamiliar with magical world.

The potion master wasn't able to keep his anger back he exploded at the Headmaster that how could the hat which worked fine for centuries got broken now and only for one student. As the seconds pasted the potion master yelled more loudly and the head master regretted that he didn't put to much effort to make his lie believable.

Harry was at first in awe he never saw his potion professor raise his voice in his life let alone scream with his face red.

He jumped in to calmed the atmosphere " I'll put the hat again to see if it was broken that time or not." Then he took the worn hat from the Headmaster and put it on, but not before he broke the spell he sensed on it.

"First, tanks young Slyderin. Second, I did not expect our meeting to be this soon." The torn hat whispered into Harry's ears. "I only going to answer one of those questions in your head, chose one."

"I broke the spells, plural, I deserve more than that, don't you think?" Harry tried to bargain while choosing one of many questions in his head.

The hat's reply mad him shiver from sight of the strong leglomency " Yes, you did; but unfortunately for you, I can see the thoughts in your head, you call me by awful nicknames such as worn or ugly, it hurt my feelings."

"Ok, you're right. I'm sorry." Harry's words got confirmation from the ugl.. the pointy hat that it is always right. "Can you talk to founders when ever you want?"

The pointy hat posed for a little time before saying "well, well a true Slyderin aren't you? Get your answers by only one question. I am impressed, truly impressed. And your answer is 'yes I can'."

So if this hat can talk to them it means the founders are either alive or the hat is connected to their main portrait which is not in Hogwarts and when ever he need their knowledge he can only asked the hat. Harry was enjoying his little discovery when the hat spoke loud for the two adults inside the room to hear "Slyderin. "

"See Albus, you needn't to be worry. Everyone is were they supposed to be." The pale man toke the hat off of Harry's head and gave it back to the Headmaster. "Now if you excuse us I have a student to send to dorms past curfew." He hissed the last words then toke Harry's hand and pull him out of the room.

The potion master let go of Harry's hand when they were safe in dungeons, far away from the Headmaster's spys.

"Mr. Potter I do not tolerate any thoughtless and careless act like those headless Gryffindors in my house ." He hissed without turning to Harry. "You need to be more careful and I expect from you to behave like a Slyderin that could have gotten hexed ." The professor stopped in front of the common room's entrance and waited until Harry went inside.

Inside the common room every one noticed his entrance but no one even his new friends asked him where he was; no one pushed him for an answer like when he was at Gryffindor. They just talk to him like he was included in their conversation from the start.

The head master was proud of him self for his little victory, now he had the control over his little pawn again. Although this time he got lucky he needed to be more careful next time he still needed the potion master for his plans to work.

Albus Dumbledore was in a good mood for making everything goes according to his plans, not knowing he was the one going according to the elder son of Malfoys.

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