chapter10 {Ron was the unfortunate person who took Harry's roll}

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The weirdest thing happened to the survivor of the Wizarding world in the morning. He was sitting with his new house eating his breakfast in peace; until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey you're Harry potter ." The raven hair snake turned to him. "I'm Ron Weasley. " He then expanded his hand.

"So?" Harry looked at him bored, he didn't even bother to look at the expanded hand let alone shake it.

"I.. I.. I thought it would be good to knew other houses." Ron lost the confidence he had first.

Harry waited silently Ron always destroyed him self.
Ron got anxious by his target's lack of response . " you know your parents didn't die so you wold be friend Death Eaters ." He surprised everyone including himself by saying that.

"I'm sure they didn't want me to be friend idiots ."

Ron got red and screamed through the hall that the snakes were what Harry deserved. Harry on the other hand went to enjoy his meal without a care .

If only they would left him to be, his life would be much better;yet they didn't.

"By the way, master did you knew right now inside the Headmaster's office there are some people plotting against you?"

Harry toke the diadem from the boney hand and looked directly in to those glowing eyes of death " You got my attention. "

"Well they are concern for your lack of good friends. You might even go dark and become a death eater due to your 'corruptive friends' if I remember correctly. "

'This is madness' he thought.

Inside the dungeons was the first potion class going to started soon. A group of Slyderin first years were sitting together and were talking about their potion professor also known to most of them as their head of house.

The atmosphere in the class was the same as his first time he had potion as much as the snakes were thrilled to have Snape as a professor, the freshman lions hate it.

A silence black hair boy was siting among the Slyderins and listening to what they were saying about the potions they had made when they were younger.

The boy's attention was mostly on a blond Slyderin; he had never seen his little brother so carefree and happy. He had lost his family in his pervious life time he wanted to get to know them this time and maybe spend time with them.

A bushy hair girl wearing a gold and red tie of Gryffindor slammed her heavy book on Harry's table, made him to turn at her .

'Here we go round 2' he really wasn't in a mood to deal with her.

"I heard you are the smartest wizard of your age I'm the smartest witch of my age we should study together " She seemed too confident in herself.

"I'm sorry what is your name?" He pretend to be interested in the conversation which made the little girl proud to be better than the red head.

"Hermione Granger."She was genuinely happy for her not so much genuine goal.

"Look ,Miss. Granger, just because two people are smart doesn't mean they should study together. "

"But I thought it would be better for both of us." She made herself smaller.

He didn't wanted to listen to her any more "I appreciate you concern but, I already have friends to study with them; unlike some people ."

The door slammed open and Snape dramatically interred shutting Hermione from more babbling and saving Harry from an argument with her.

"Oh good; we have another one of the Wesleys with us in this class." His remarked made half of class laugh as he went to the head of class where Slyderins were sitting.
Then Snape then look at Ron and asked " Mr. Wesley stand."

Ron stand hurriedly, you could see the nervousness all over him. "Yes sir"

"What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an
infusion of wormwood?" he asked bored as he knew that Ron wouldn't know the answer.

"I d..don't know. Sir."

Harry could swear Snape looked the same as his previous life . "Let's try again. Wesley, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar ?"

Hermione extended her hand like before. It seemed Ron was the unfortunate person who took Harry's roll .Harry was just relieved he wasn't the one who Snape targeted.

I don't need to be a seer to know that you don't know the answer to my following question but Ill ask it anyway" Snape sneered "
what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Ron repeated himself for the third time.

"Mr. Potter please answer the questions I asked Mr. Wesley. " Snape sudden question surprised Harry.

"Yes sir. Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death.A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save youfrom most poisons.As for monkshood and wolfsbane,they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite." He finished and took a deep breath.

"That is correct Mr.Potter. 30 point to Slyderin. " He then turned to Gryffindors and add " some of you might thought you didn't need to open a book before you come to class. And now you saw how wrong you were."

The potion professor seemed nicer to him in this life due to Harry being an Slyderin but still Harry couldn't forget what Snape did to him at his very first potion session .

After, the potion class went as before but Harry's mind was only focusing on the questions in his first time around he didn't know anything about those subjects, but now he had more knowledge due to the book he had read at Draco's room. And it was bothering him.

At the end of the class he went to Snape and left the class by saying "I miss her too."

I had connection problems and I tried several times but I couldn't go online; when I saw a new update I thought it might work now. I'm soooo sorry for the delay. I'll make it up promise.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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