Chapter9 {grew up seeing you everywhere}

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He still was breathing heavily and things didn't became better when he saw death in the middle of the room.

"Master neither I or you have time to waist hurry up we have lot to discuss. "

"Did we really need to to come to the astronomy tower to talk? " The dark hair boy asked the hooded figure in front of him.

"None of us wants your new little friends to have a heart attack for seeing me, do we now master." A harsh voice came from the taller figure; the young boy saw no movement under the hood; he was used to see his old friend to talk like that " Matter of fact, master, you are the only one who even hadn't a slightly panic when you met me why?"

The boy sighed and turned to look at the stars lighting up the sky. "I grew up seeing you everywhere and more when I became twenty, I saw you countless times in dead people." The casual voice of the boy made the boy's life sound less painful.

A moment of silence was everything the hooded figure needed to remember what he heard about boy's life. "That's not true at all. The people who fears me the most are the ones who had more contact with me in the past. There most be another explanation for this."

"So you don't have time for me to sleep but you have time for nonsense?" The master asked pretty annoyed.

"Fine I put my curiosity aside, for now." The hooded figure said "the reason I am here sooner than we agreed to is because I have some news for you. Which one you prefer to hear first; the bad news or the good news. "

"Please bless us with the good news first." The eleven year old anserd sarcastically.

"The bad news is" the young boy shook his head at his friend's antics "we are not a secret anymore. "

"You say it like we were doing taboo." The little boy's eyes went cold at the thought of "who?" He immediately add. "Explain more."

"It is a taboo when it comes to you. The ones we were trying to hide your regress from." The hooded sounded regretful to his young accompany "Now they knew and they're not happy about ." The dark hood moved and the skeleton underneath was reviled two glowing lights instead of eyes. "That's why I told you to not make immortal enemies. "

"Okey you did and I didn't listen; so now what do we do?" The eleven year old asked frowning.

"This is the 'wors' news."

The young boy cut the skeleton's " there was no worse news only the good one and bad one."

"Now there is." The skeleton took some steps forward. "The mother magic is still mad about the previous issue; so is the mother nature. That is why they decided this is a good time for you to be punished ."

"What ? How?"

"Simple you need to follow some rules unless you lose your life and everything goes back to how it was before you regressed. "The hooded skeleton sat on the floor and start to count with it's boney fingers. "First you can't tell anyone about your regress or the future."

"Fine that's doable. " He looked bored, but he was cursing those two immortal beings for messing his plans. If he had to follow their 'rules' he would have to make lots of effort to bring some allies on his side.

The skeleton raised another finger "Second you need to help the light side win."

The anger rose within the young boy. "This..this is.. I can't believe it. They want me to help the people who used me, killed me and destroyed me."

The skeleton put his skeletal hand on the young boy's shoulder "Master, you are the smartest human I ever seen. you'll find a way; I knew you do."

The words of the boy's immortal friends made boy smile. "I know you are lying but I let it go. So are there any more 'rules' or is it all."

"There are more. Third one is that you need to fill the famous prophecy of Merlin basically it means you need to find 'the once and future king' and help him to reunite the magical word." The hooded immortal paused for his little friend's exploding reaction, to his surprise the boy only shoke his head for him to continue.

The boy's green eyes sparkled. He only needed to find the king . It wasn't hard at all. If the king returns, the ones by his side would be the light side so he can get his revenge like he decides to do before.

The skeleton was perplexed although they continued "Fourth you can't use more than a third of your magical power and if you overdo it you going to lose conscious. Fifth you can't contact me or ask for my help. And finally sixth if you die there is no returning back again. And they wanted me to add that you will lose all the luck they gave you."

The boy remained silent until the other one was finished "Fine; Ill do all of it." Although he couldn't see the emotion of his old friend, he new the being in front of him wasn't expecting this. He wasn't a child anymore to act on his Sudden emotions. "But before you go, do one last thing for me "

"Sure, what is your last request as my master." the hooded figure bowed sarcastically.

"Always arrogant aren't you?" The boy said. "I need to know where the Voldemort's horcruxes are."

"I guess if you want to fill the quests."

"Of course that's why I asked."

However they both knew that wasn't the reason.

The skeleton's eyes lost their light looking for the horcruxes "One is located at the Gaunt Cottage, other at Molfoy's Mansion, another one is at the No.12 Grimmauld Place, you can find one at Gringotts and last three are here at school. " The skeleton's eyes went back to normal.

"It gonna took me forever to find the diadem in side the room of requirement. " He looked directly into the skeleton's eyes." Can you bring it for me; Death?"


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