Chapter 20: The Blackmailer, Part II

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The Headquarters

"One more time. Relax your neck and let your cheek fall naturally to the stock. Steady the handgrip with your left hand," Skye instructed, guiding Neon in the training room. With Skye's expert guidance, Neon shot off all the bots in the range with ease. She lowered the gun and looked at Skye, eager for feedback.

"You've got experience and talent. Who am I kidding? You worked with K-SEC. Just a little more practice, and your aim will be perfect," Skye praised, eliciting a smile from Neon in response.

"That's it from me for today. You'll be training with Yoru for the next 45 minutes," Skye informed Neon. With that, Skye patted her on the arm, took the rifle from her hands, and walked out of the room, signaling Yoru to enter. Yoru stepped in and stood next to Neon.

"Uhh... Skye took my gun," Neon said, slightly confused. Yoru replied, "I'm not here to teach you how to shoot. I'm here to teach you how to use your powers."

"Wait, I know how to use my powers already. I know them better than anyone," Neon said assertively. Yoru gave her an understanding look and responded, "That's obvious, kid. But all Radiants' powers are mostly harnessed the same way. I'm not here to tell you what your powers can do, but how to make them easier to control. You'll have to learn more if you wanna kick your own ass. Your Omega ass I mean."

Neon let out a frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes, feeling a bit resistant to the idea. "I'm not exactly into this training bullshit either, but the sooner you suck it up, the sooner we get to leave," Yoru added. Realizing that Yoru's intentions were to help her grow stronger, Neon reluctantly nodded and replied, "Huff... fine."

Yoru swiftly operated the holographic panels in the training room, transforming the terrain into a flat and obstacle-free space. He then moved to the center, gesturing for Neon to follow with a nod. Taking a seat and crossing his legs, he encouraged her to do the same. "Let's get this shit over with. Sit down," he said firmly.

Neon obeyed, settling herself and sitting up straight. Yoru instructed, "Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and try to find the source of power within your body." As Neon closed her eyes and focused, she felt a tingling sensation, like a gentle current coursing through her veins. With Yoru's guidance, she began to connect with the wellspring of energy that resided deep within her.

Beyond the glass panel in the prep room, Brimstone stood with his arms crossed, observing the session. Sage stood beside him, also watching closely. Skye approached from the door and delivered her report, "She's showing promising results. There shouldn't be much trouble with her," she said confidently. Brimstone nodded in agreement, acknowledging the positive progress.

Sage, however, had other thoughts, "Even so, we need to make this a routine. Not just for Neon, but for every agent, if possible," she suggested. Concern for thorough training and development of all agents weighed on her mind.

"But Skye, I thought Yoru was supposed to teach her how to handle the weapons instead?" Sage inquired, wanting to understand the training dynamics better. Skye reassured her, "It's alright, Sage. He's dependable, I promise." Despite Yoru's occasionally reckless behavior, Skye had faith in his ability to teach effectively.

Sage let out a sigh, acknowledging Skye's point. She recognized that he was more mature than some of their other agents, like Phoenix and Jett. Astra, with her cosmic duties, wasn't available for teaching, and Reyna's aggressive nature might not be suitable for mentoring new recruits. In the end, Yoru seemed to be the best candidate for the task at hand.

A few moments later, Brimstone's communications device rang, prompting him to answer the call. "Sova?" he inquired. Sova's voice came through the line, "Brimstone, I've been making efforts to search through the sites we've visited in the past two months," he began. "How did it go?" Brimstone asked, curious about the progress.

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