Chapter 52: The Final Mission, Part III

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(I know the story's very not lore-friendly at all at this point. But hey, it's just a fanfic right? XD)

Istanbul, Türkiye, Alpha Earth

(66 hours until the worlds merge)

The air in the room grew tense as Phoenix, still recovering from the forceful blast, gazed upon what seemed to be the slightly older versions of Killjoy and Sova. "KJ? Sova?" he called out, his confusion evident.

The man and woman turned their attention towards Phoenix, their eyes assessing him with a certain wariness. The teleporter powered down, and the man stepped forward, examining Phoenix closely. "...A Radiant," he remarked coldly.

The woman hurried to his side, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Remember, Sergeant. Things are different here. Not all Radiants are evil."

The man, identified as Sergeant Novikov, exhaled and extended his hand to Phoenix. "On your feet," he commanded, his tone filled with authority. "Tell me about your world, Radiant."

Phoenix, unsure of the situation, accepted the offered hand and pulled himself back up. "Sova, what is going on? I thought KJ was trapped back at the HQ," Phoenix questioned, seeking clarity.

The man and woman exchanged glances, a slight hint of confusion in their expressions. The woman stepped forward to address Phoenix. "This man is possibly acquainted with the us from this world." Sergeant Novikov nodded in agreement and stepped back, allowing the woman to continue the interaction. She explained, "We came from another world."

Phoenix, preparing for the worst, voiced his concerns, "You're from Omega? Is this madness all your doing as well?"

The woman shook her head, denying any connection to the chaos. "No. Sigma Earth. My name is Klara Bohringer, and this is Sergeant Sasha Novikov. Though I assume you already know that..." she introduced themselves.

"I think have a clear picture about what's happening to your world. The same also happened to mine. We'd like to help. Where is the device controlling the Radivores?" Klara inquired, her gaze intense.

Phoenix, recognizing the urgency, hesitated before responding, "It's... on the worst place possible." 

However, before he could elaborate further, footsteps echoed in the room. On the other end, a man stood by an open door, his stern voice cutting through the tension. 

"Don't move."

It was Omega Chamber.

The room was shrouded in darkness as Omega Chamber, aiming his Tour de Force, approached the trio cautiously, attempting to intimidate them into surrender. The tension in the air was palpable, and the lack of light obscured the features of the intruders.

"I assume you are the intruders that attacked the facility," Omega Chamber stated, his voice stern and unwavering.

Phoenix, still tense, couldn't deny his involvement in the earlier commotion. The trio, recognizing the need for cooperation, raised their hands as a sign of peace. As Chamber moved closer, he unsummoned his Tour de Force and summoned his Headhunter, a heavy pistol more suited for close-range encounters. However, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he recognized the faces of the trio.

"Phoenix, Sova, and Killjoy..." he muttered audibly, the realization dawning upon him.

Phoenix, hands still raised, questioned with a mix of uncertainty and accusation, "Chamber, you're with Kingdom? You're also responsible for this madness?"

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