Chapter 25: Glitch vs Glitch

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Amidst the backdrop of a rain-soaked night, Omega Glitch's words hung in the air, a reminder of the inherent discord within his nature. "No such manual, unfortunately. Was hoping you could tell me how to be annoying like you," he declared with an air of both jest and confidence.

Alpha Glitch's response was a smile, a subtle acknowledgment of the shared complexity that united them. "If you wanna be annoying, you can just be yourself. Been annoying from the very start, you know." Before the conversation could take further shape, the symphony of their encounter erupted into a battle, swift and relentless.

Omega Glitch's Phantom erupted in a hail of bullets, directed towards his Alpha counterpart. In a dance that defied humanity, Alpha Glitch's glitching abilities came to life, allowing him to evade the onslaught. Swiftly, he retaliated, bullets from his own Phantom tracing the rain-soaked air.

From rooftop to rooftop and wall to wall, they navigated the urban landscape with finesse born of familiarity. The city bore witness to their display of prowess as they glitched through great distances, their steps an ethereal waltz that merged the boundaries of reality.

With every glitch, they traversed great distances, appearing and disappearing with a surreal grace. As they circled each other, the ground beneath them trembled, and the air crackled with anticipation. The rain intensified, amplifying the raw energy of their battle, as if the elements themselves acknowledged this momentous confrontation.

A breathless pause unfurled as Alpha Glitch managed to dodge a barrage of bullets, his fingers gripping the edge of a building's precipice. The tension remained palpable as Omega Glitch seized the moment, his shots finding their mark even as Alpha Glitch erected a glitching barrier to shield himself.

The battle raged on, the sound of rain serving as an underscore to their symphony of power. In the height of their exchange, Alpha Glitch ascended to the pinnacle of a rooftop, his senses disturbed by the sound of rain that surrounded him. Within the symphony of rainfall, the rhythm of Omega Glitch's presence eluded him.

From a distance, the sound of a shot reverberated, a deadly symphony played out in the night. Alpha Glitch's instincts surged to life, his perception alerting him to the imminent danger. With a deft twist of his body, he evaded the bullet, a breath away from peril.

Omega Glitch's voice cut through the rain-soaked air, his taunt delivered with an edge of superiority. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're slower than me," he quipped, the challenge resonating with echoes of their shared existence.

The exchange of gunfire between them proved far more challenging than they had anticipated. With swift and calculated movements, they navigated from one rooftop to the next, taking cover behind walls and firing off rounds in a relentless bid to outmaneuver and eliminate each other. The echoes of Phantoms firing filled the rainy night.

Their ammunition finally dwindled, leading to a simultaneous decision to discard their empty Phantoms in favor of Sheriffs. The shift in weaponry brought out a new phase of the confrontation, where they halted their glitching and instead relied on their glitching barriers, attempting to breach the defenses erected by their counterpart.

With each bullet and barrier, they revealed the intricate knowledge they shared. In a moment of synchrony, a single bullet from each found its target, striking the other. The impact was enough to halt the fight momentarily, as they took a moment to catch their breath amidst the tension.

Omega Glitch's voice broke the silence, a mixture of frustration and astonishment evident. "You're not any worse than I am. How'd you know my moves?" he questioned, seeking an explanation for the uncanny familiarity.

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