Chapter One

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The fox's tail lashed as she leaned backward in her chair, eyes shutting as she listened to the hustle and shouts of the critters around her, other criminals who'd been stuck in this rust-bucket of a prison. The vixen wasn't reacting to anything that was done in the environment around her; she ignored the voices, all of the shouts, and random clattering noises.

She'd been here for at least two years. This ugly prison that went by the name of Kyln. She was currently in one of the... 'main rooms' for the prisoners, where many of them went to gather. It was a sort of cafeteria, so to speak, and one of her least favorite places in the whole prison. She itched to up and leave, but she needed to be here today.

Avenna opened her eyes, her orange tail flicking once, twice, and then settling around her feet. She looked up, her golden irises fixing upon the guards that stood on the balcony-like structures that lined this main 'common' area. There were more than usual today.

"New prisoners are coming today, right?"

Avenna let her head lazily roll back until the fox could look at her friend, the only one she'd made in this whole time in prison. Drax was eyeing the guards, too; he'd noticed them as well.

"Yeh," Avenna replied offhandedly.

"Wonder who they are," Drax said. "Something about a talking tree?" He reached up and scratched at his shoulder.

"Yeh," she repeated, and glanced back to the guards. She didn't like them. They were mean and didn't give a saint's shit about the prisoners. And also, she'd earned herself a bad reputation among their ranks after getting into fights with some of them. Usually verbal, but it still had the same effect, and certainly didn't help stop the kicks she frequented from them.

As her thoughts moved on from the guards, though, she considered what Drax had said. Supposedly, this bunch of misfits had been caught fighting in the streets of Xandar. It wasn't uncommon for new prisoners to be brought to the Kyln, but apparently, the daughter of Thanos, allied with Ronan the Accuser, was one of the ones who'd been caught. That's what was causing the excitement.

Eh, whatever. Avenna didn't really have an issue with Gamora—if that was her name, it could be 'Gangrene' for all she cared-- nothing had been done to give her a grudge. She was mostly here for the entertainment that was bound to occur when the rest of the prisoners caught sight of the green-skinned woman. Also to ensure that Drax didn't do anything stupid.

Avenna's ears flattened as an uproar suddenly spread like wildfire through the common area. Angry voices shouted as prisoners shook fists, leaning in the direction of the doorway to the main area. When she looked toward where she saw food and objects being thrown, her ears pricked back up and she leaned forward in curiosity.

"There they are," she hummed, her tail flicking. Her golden eyes took in their appearance. There was indeed a humanoid tree who lumbered slowly through the common room, his surprisingly supple and flexible branches flexing and twisting as he moved. There was also a brown-haired human—Avenna assumed he was human, you could never be sure--walked rather awkwardly and somehow confidently at the same time. There was Gamora, of course, the only one that Avenna knew by name—she was immediately recognizable by her leaf-hued skin and poise. She walked with serenity and calm, despite the hissing voice coming from the vipers den of the Kyln, from the prisoners around her. Last was... something Avenna hadn't seen before.

It looked to be an anthropomorphic raccoon. It walked upright and saying something to the people around it, and kind of had to shout to be heard over the din and outraged screaming as the other prisoners swore vengeance against Gamora, letting the world see their hatred and outright hostility.

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