Chapter Five

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"Hey," Quill says, and he darts over to Rocket. "Woah, woah, woah. Yo, Ranger Rick! What are you doing?" He trots over to the raccoon, who's pulled out a wide assortment of tools and pieces of metal. "You can't take apart my ship without asking me!"

The group, at this point, had left the main control area above and moved down below, where there's a more open space for them to move. Avenna had also patched up her ear using a small, tapelike substance that had been sitting in her belongings box in the time she was at the Kyln. There was now a chip at the tip of her left one from where the bullet had nicked her.

She was sitting on a protrusion in the metal of the ship and it fit her comfortably. Avenna was working on her bracelet, trying to reorganize things. But she wouldn't be able to use it without buying some completely new parts.

"See, what is this?" Quill continued. The fox lifts her eyes to watch this situation play out.

"Don't touch that!" Rocket says, holding out a hand to stop him. "It's a bomb."

"A bomb?"


"And you leave it lying around?" He fretted.

"I was gonna put it in a box!" Rocket defends himself, pulling out a drawer.

"What's a box gonna do!?"

"How 'bout this one?" The raccoon lifts up a colorful, decorated thing from the drawer.

"No! Woah. Hey!" Quill shuts the drawer with one foot. "Leave it alone!"

"Why? What is it?"

"Shut up," The human growls.

"That was a little unnecessary," Avenna mutters.

Rocket looks up at Quill with a confused expression, shaking his head slightly.

"What is that?" Star-Lord asks, gesturing to something else. A change in conversation, which Avenna noted. Rocket had accidentally trodden on some nerves, it seemed.

"That's for if things get really hardcore," he explains, pleased. He turned and grinned at Quill, exposing his sharp teeth. "Or if you wanna blow up moons."

The man tosses his hands slightly and begins to walk away.

"Sounds fun," Avenna chimes in.

"No one's blowing up moons," Gamora says.

"You just wanna suck the joy out of everything," Rocket mutters, clicking some of the metal pieces he was working with together.

"So, listen, I'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates," Quill begins.

"We're heading in the right direction...for now." Gamora's voice is somewhat eerie and her words sound suspiciously like she's hiding something.

The conversation continues, but as Avenna watches Rocket work, she realizes he might be able to fix her bracelet much better than she could. She waits a long moment, then hesitantly stands up. She walks over and crouches beside him. He glances over at her, whiskers twitching.

"Could you... help me?" Avenna asks, and her ears flatten against her head slightly. She holds out the tattered remains of her bracelet, hands shaking slightly.

He takes them from her and turns them over in his paws. "What is it?"

"It was my bracelet," she says. "But it got broken or something when I got arrested. I don't know. It was fine when I was taken to the Kyln... but... I just really need help fixing it. If I do it, it will take a million years and—"

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