Chapter Ten

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"What are we doing?" Avenna demands. She's seated beside Rocket on the Milano, working some of the controls. She'd surprised both Drax and Rocket by knowing how to fly a ship and waving away Rocket's instructions. "This is stupid."

"It's our only chance," Rocket replies. "You didn't have any other ideas, did ya?"

"Well, now that I'm looking at this, I think it's a REALLY STUPID ONE." Avenna's eyes turn to the massive ship in front of them that they're literally about to attack. They are hilariously small in comparison, and the chances of them actually managing to save their friends this way are frighteningly low.

"Too late to stop now," Rocket grins and then clicks the buttons on his control levers. One shot is fired. Another, and then he speaks out on the comm line. "Attention, idiots."

"No, oh my gosh," Avenna says, dragging one paw down her face.

"The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer. A weapon of my own design. If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one!"

"This was a stupid plan," Avenna repeats in a hissing tone. He ignores her.

"A very big new one!" He goes on. "I'm giving you to the count of five. Five, four, three-"

Rocket is then interrupted by Quill's voice comes through the communication line. "Rocket, it's me, for God's sakes! We figured it out! We're fine!"

Raccoon and fox share a look.

"Oh, hey, Quill. What's going on?"

"Um. Yeah. We needa get you guys—hang on, who's with you?"

"Uhh, Groot, Avenna, and Drax," the raccoon replies. "You've got Gamora, right?"

"Yeah, I do, she's right here. But we need to talk to you. Go down to the open docking slot and meet us there."

"Fine," Rocket says, and then shuts down the comm line as Drax re-enters the ship.

"Well, that was... anticlimactic," Avenna notes and Rocket snickers.

"A bit." He angles the ship to go downwards and they head towards the area where the metal slides apart, revealing a hole in the ship that they can get to.


"You call that figure it out!? We're gonna rob the guys who just beat us senseless!" Rocket's voice shouts.

Their group was back together, finally, inside the Ravager's ship, and Avenna was completely and utterly exhausted. The effects of the weird goo were beginning to wear off and now each movement caused her pain. Not to mention the fact she'd just been walking around without a shirt on for hours now, her scars on display. None of the others had mentioned them, but it probably wouldn't last much longer. That wasn't the only reason; she had grown used to keeping her form covered and this was rather... humiliating, to say the least, even if there was nothing to see.

The fox was seated on the floor besides Rocket, eyes closed as she listened to them argue. She was tired, but was keeping herself awake by digging her claws into her palms and forcing herself to think. She needed a plan.

"Oh, you wanna talk about senseless?" Quill retorted sharply. "How about trying to save us by blowing us up?"

"We were only gonna blow you up if they didn't turn you over!" Rocket exclaimed.

"Honestly, that wouldn't have solved any problems," Avenna muttered in agreement.

"You were perfectly willing ta help, 'Venna," Rocket snaps.

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