Chapter Fourteen

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Avenna lifts her shirt over her head, dropping it onto the counter of the bathroom in the ship. She begins to unwrap the bandages around her ribs and stomach, hissing as it pulls away from her skin. She takes a look at the burn, which has begun to heal surprisingly quickly. But it hurts. A lot.

Now that she no longer has Groot's aloe stuff to put on it, she's feeling the effects again. She moves closer to the mirror, examining the charred flesh. She also doubts that the Nova Corps had put much medical help in the ship; they'd done enough just by removing their criminal records and rebuilding the ship, which Quill had said could be called the Benatar.

She gently pulls at some of her fur, looking at the wound. It's ugly and not very nice to look at.

Honestly, none of her is very nice to look at right now. She takes a step back from the mirror with a little sigh.

Her fur, though clean and pretty, is burnt and singed at the edges in some areas. She's got a gross scab over her ear from when Rocket's bullets ricocheted off the metal and hit it all the way back at the Kyln. It's only been a few days since this happened, after all. It ain't healed yet and this fact pisses her off.

She's also got a kind of general grubby look about her from her ruined, rumpled fur, which is nothing new, but still. It's not tangled, but it's clumped around her wound and on her ear. She's also got some missing patches of her orange fluff, too, from it burning away and being torn off while she was fighting. She just looks... unpleasant, to say the least.

Avenna stares at herself for a moment longer. It wasn't like she ever looked pretty, but this this was still not pleasant to examine. The fox stays there for a minute, and then jumps and lets out a small, mostly silent scream as someone pounds on the door behind her.

"What!" she shouts.

"Move your orange ass and let me in, I gotta piss." It's Rocket's.

"I'm changing my bandage," she protests, but gathers her things nonetheless. She hugs them to her side, up and away from the burn, and opens the door. Rocket bursts in and she jumps to the side, grumbling slightly as she steps down the small step leading into the bathroom. He shuts the door and she sighs. "Hey, Gamora?"

The green woman, who was leaned against one of the walls of the ship, glances down at her.

"Could you help me with my bandages?" she asks quietly.

There's a bit of hesitation in her before she moves. Avenna felt somewhat miffed about this. She got along perfectly fine with the rest of the crew now, but they still clashed.

"Yeah, sure," she says, and crouches down outside the bathroom to be at eye level with the smaller creature. She yanks some of the bandages off the roll Avenna gives her with a slight snapping noise, and Avenna drops her clothes, lifting her arms so that Gamora can wrap the cloth around her. "Looks pretty nasty."

Rocket opens the door to the bathroom and steps out, stopping short at the sight. He lets out a little whistle. "Uh, yeah. It looks like someone held a blowtorch to your stomach."

"That might not have happened if you and your dumb tree—" she cuts off, stopping her statement where it stood. That "dumb tree" had saved them all, and she knew it. At least he wasn't completely dead.

"What?" Rocket asks.

"Nothing," Avenna says quickly as Gamora begins to pull the bandages around her burn, her eyes flicking between the fox and raccoon. Avenna hisses and straightens slightly, instinctively sucking her stomach in. "Just... I was right by you, at the Collector's place. Y-You and Groot could have grabbed me, too. I was on the floor like two feet away from ya."

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