Chapter Eleven

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They ended up standing in front of Yondu and some of his men, Gamora standing in the center of a variety of screens. Their group had put together a pretty decent plan and was really just fleshing it out here at this point.

"The Stone reacts to anything organic," Gamora is explaining. "The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge."

"All Ronan's gotta do is touch the Stone to the plant's surface and zap," Quill speaks now. "All plants, animals, Nova Corps."

"Everything will die," Avenna says. "Nothing to do about it."

"So Ronan does not make the surface," Quill adds.

"This is of dire importance," The fox enunciates. She can see clearly that the Ravagers aren't taking her too seriously, but she knows that her part in explaining the plan gets their attention, once the stone is brought up.

"Rocket will lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull. Then, our craft and Yondu's will enter." Quill gestures to several diagrams upon one of the screens.

"Won't there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" One of Yondu's men—Avenna thinks is name is Kraggie or something--questions.

"I think of Sakaaran as paper people," Drax says.

The man gives him affectionate punch and Avenna blinks Drax makes a threatening motion, somewhat scaring the Krag-man.

"Once they know we're on board, Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck," Gamora tells them. "But I can disable them by dismantling the power source."

"We'll make it to the flight deck and I'll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan." Quill pulls up another diagram.

"Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the Stone," Gamora speaks again. "Use these devices to contain it." A man steps around, passing out orbs on a tray. "If you touch it, it will kill you."

"So be careful. You probably won't even be able to properly drop it, either." Avenna adds.

Quill's turn to speak. "I'll contact one of the Nova officers who arrested us. Hopefully, they'll believe we're there to help."

Now, it's Rocket. "There's one more thing we need to complete the plan. That guy's eye." He points to a man who has a large portion of metal on one side of his face, an eye rolling around in his skull a part of that.

"What?" Avenna questions. She'd gotten her paws on a tablet, and she looks up from where she was messing around on it. She might finally be able to do some damage with this thing.

"No! No, we don't. No, we don't need that guy's eye," Quill defends the poor man, who was looking around with a good amount of confusion in his gaze.

"No, seriously, I need it. It's important to me!" Rocket snickers through his words.

"Don't give him the eye," Avenna calls and looks back down at her stolen device.

Avenna had been told that she'd be going with Quill and the rest of them, which she was perfectly fine with, although she found herself wishing to go with Rocket and fly one of the ships. She'd only gotten a little bit of that since escaping the Kyln and this fact irked her.

She hadn't really flown a ship in years, and was still getting used to taking some things for granted, like being able to go places without having to look over her shoulder for some annoying man clad in blue. Stupid guards.

The fox was working among the code in the device. She wasn't supposed to have it—she'd snatched it off of a table when someone left it unguarded. But she needed it more than them, because she would finally, finally get to use her real, genuine skill. Her hacking.

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