Cinderella (1)

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The loud chirping of birds could be heard outside a boy's bedroom. But, the sleeping beauty on the bed was too lazy to respond until a loud voice echoed through the whole house.

"JEON JUNGKOOK. Wake up, you lazy ass."

The boy groaned and slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust the light. He whined and tossed over the bed.

"Why do I have to wake up this early? It's Sunday, for god sake."

After a lot of struggle, jk finally got up from the bed. He went outside after doing his morning routine. Upon reaching the kitchen, he was greeted with his mother's sharp glare.
Stepmother, to be exact.

" she looks angry." Jk thought to himself and greeted her.

" Good morning, mam."

" Dump that good morning in the dustbin. Is it even a time to wake up? It's 8 in the morning already. You should know your sleeping limits. Now, come here and help me cook breakfast. I am getting late for a meeting."

Jk nodded his head and began to arrange the plates.

" jk. Go wake up your sisters. My sweet angels must be hungry. And for you, young man. Here is the list of chores that you need to finish today. Am I clear?"

She spoke sternly while handing him the never-ending list of chores. After that, she left the kitchen without even waiting for jk's response. Jk sighed heavily as she left.

"Great. Now, the day can't get any better. I should do the work before Mother punishes me. And dear author, would you mind introducing me to the readers?? I am quite busy here." 

(A/n: with pleasure, jk)

A/n: So, must have you already guessed who he is? As his mother already shouted his name. Yes, he is our bunny. Oh, sorry. He is our jeon jungkook. Most of you must be wondering, what kind of character did the author give to our kookie in this story? So, let me explain it to you all.

Behold the one and only, jk. The only son of Jeon Jae-Hyun and the heir of Jeon Enterprises. His mother died when he was very young. So, he hardly has her memories.

Wanting his child to feel motherly love, Jae-Hyun remarried a widow who happened to have two daughters from her previous marriage, jeon mina. It's a Cinderella story but without the fairy godmother.

Everything was going well until Jae-Hyun passed away in a plane crash when he was 16 years old. His stepmother, whom he never liked, started to show her true colours.

She made him the servant of his mansion during the weekend, which the younger hated to the core. But, jk was thankful for her for one thing. She never forced him to work on the housework except for the weekends. According to him, her top priority of jk was his studies.

 Most of his time was spent working around the house and studying in his room. He only had two secret friends. 

One was Jimin. His diaper buddy whom he had been friends with forever and about the other one. We will talk about him later. Now, enough with the introduction. Let's see what our golden maknae cooked today.

"It's just coffee and chocolate pancakes, author. Stop being dramatic and leave me alone. I still have a lot of work to do."
Jk said politely, stopping the author from eating the delicious pancakes that were in front of her.

(A/n: fine. I am leaving. You evil bunny.) 

Saying that the author vanished, leaving jk to work all alone in the kitchen. When he finished making the breakfast, he sighed.

"Okay. Now, let's wake those lazy girls. It's time for college now. I hope they have done their homework."

He was about to go to their rooms when he remembered that it was Sunday today. He lightly hit his head and said to himself,

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