A sunny morning

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NOTE: here, taekook are represented mostly as grandpa jeon or jeon and grandpa kim or kim. hope it clears the confusion that may arrive when you continue reading the story.

*<statement>*= thinking in mind

"<statement>" =saying out loud 

"Mijon. Be quick. Or else we won't find any bench to sit on." An old man on his 70's said while heading towards the park while his servant /helper, mijon followed him asking the older man to walk slowly or else his legs (older man) would swell at night. 

"Oh-come on Mijon I am not that old yet. I still have young blood running in my Viens. I bet I can run faster than you. Wanna bet?" 

" Grandpa Jeon, Please for heaven's sake. The last time you tried to run faster than your usual speed, you nearly broke your back and had to be on bedrest for at least  two weeks." The young boy said worridly. 

"Oh. There is an empty bench over there. Let's go and sit there there before anyone takes my spot." The older man said before going towards the bench, followed by his helper who with a sign mumbled,

" Grandpa will never learn." The old man sat at the bench with a satisfied grin. 

"The day is going to be bright today. Don't you think?" He asked and Mijon nodded his head. The old man noticed that his helper's mind seems to be occupied with something. He looked at the direction that Mijon was looking at and a bright smile e came across his face, when he saw whom boy was the young boy was looking at. 

"Go talk to her, if you wish to. You are only on your twenties." Mijon looked startled at the sudden remark of the old man. 

"Are you sure? Grandpa Jeon. I don't want to leave you alone here." 

"I  am alone since I was 50. You can go. An opportunity like this will never knock on your door again. Make her yours, before anyone else can. Now.go." The old man said. 

Hearing the last statement, mijon hurried towards the young lady who was peacefully sitting at a bench a little away from them. 

"Oh wait," Mijon heard. 

"Is there anything you want? Grandpa." Mijon asked, turning around. 

"You forget to give me the breadcrumbs. " Grandpa jeon said with a chuckle.

 Mijon hit his head with his hand lightly and said, "I am sorry, grandpa. I forgot. Here you go. (* Handing the bag of breadcrumbs) I don't know what is wrong with me?" 

"You are in love, young man. Your head is in your heart, which belongs to that lady. Come back in 15- 20 minutes. We have to depart soon. Now, go." Grandpa jeon said, and the boy departed.

 When the boy was out of his sight, Grandpa Jeon sighed and began to throw breadcrumbs at the ducks that were near the pond. Grandpa jeon glanced at the whole garden. 

"There are a lot of lovebirds in the garden today." He said with a sigh. Suddenly, a  memory of the past flashed in his mind. 

"I wonder what he should just be doing? Is he still alive or dead?" As grandpa Jeon was busy in thoughts. 

A sudden shout interrupted him, and his eyes began to look for the source of the sound only to notice another old man in a shiny suit coming towards him and a young man following him from behind. The old man looked really angry as if he was about to explode any minute. He went past Grandpa Jeon, scaring the ducks away, in the process. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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