Chapter 4

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He expected an ordinary first day-as ordinary as being a homeroom teacher for freshman students in the performing arts department could be. Then he walked into the classroom after the bell rang, and surveyed his students, smiling as he introduced himself officially, and then he internally jolted at the sight of one of his students. He had grown used to seeing beautiful, handsome, and talented students over the years, so he usually didn't react to the sight of them. There were many girls in his class that stood out as striking in appearances, but there was something about the girl by the windows. When he gazed into her pale pink eyes, and her blue hair fell around her face, he felt at a loss for words. There was a haunting, knowing quality to her expression. He was unnerved and enthralled at the same time. He had never felt fascinated by a student before, but he felt like he had to get to know her. He filled out his roster, spotting her name. Tamaki Yumena.

When she spoke, announcing her presence, her voice sounded musical in nature. He was stunned at how a person could be so unique so early. He felt somewhat disturbed by his own growing fascination with her, but he couldn't control it either. There was an aged air to her, she carried herself like someone in their twenties rather than someone who was sixteen. He couldn't wait to get to see what she was like.
"I have a feeling this will be a great year," he whispered to himself as he exited the classroom when the first period started.


The room was dark, and rain pattered rhythmically on the roof outside. Aqua laid in bed, thoughts swirling. He couldn't seem to stop Ruby from becoming an idol. She was stubborn and determined, and who was he to crush her dream at every turn when she knew the risks just as he did? He sighed, frustrated. He had to convince Miyako to reopen the idol side of Strawberry Productions, that was the only way he could keep a good eye on Ruby and keep her safe. But who would join the new idol group that formed? Ruby had friends, so maybe they would join? He recalled her mentioning that one of her classmates was also aspiring to be an idol, so maybe she would be easy to convince. They would need another member or two to start with. His mind filtered through everyone he had met, but only one person stuck out: Arima Kana. She was definitely cute enough and talented enough to become an idol, but she would be hard to convince to stray from her acting career. He would do whatever it took to make it happen.


It was the middle of the night when my phone rang. I rolled over in bed, yawning and stretching as I clumsily reached for it on my nightstand, blurry eyes registering the name lighting up my screen. Ruby? We had been talking a lot in the past few weeks of school, but she had never texted me, let alone called me. I slid my phone across the screen to answer. "Hello?" I asked in a hoarse voice.
"Oh! Sorry! Did I wake you?" her bright voice pressed on the other end.
Another voice in the background sighed. "Of course you woke her up, you couldn't have waited to call her until tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but it's okay. What's up? Did you need help with homework again?" I pressed, feigning ignorance.
"Is that why you stopped asking me for help? You got someone else to help you? And here I was thinking you were taking the initiative," the male voice in the background hissed again.
"Shut it!! Sorry, my brother keeps talking to me. Uhm! No! I don't need any help with homework! Thanks! I was actually calling for something else. Did that idol agency I sent you the number to get back with you?"
"No, they didn't," I said in, false disappointment dripping through my voice.

"Yeah, me either...but! I have a proposal for you. Strawberry Productions is going to revive their idol agency. Would you by any in uhm. Joining?" Ruby's nervousness was obvious.
"Of course I would be! Who wouldn't be?" I crowed excitedly, sitting up straight in bed. "I don't have a strict contract with my agency limiting me from accepting other work, so this would probably be fine!"
I heard a high-pitched squeal deafen my right ear, and I winced.
"Oh my! Okay! This is happening! Ah! I'm so excited. My brother and I got another recruit to join earlier today! That makes three of us! Can you stop by tomorrow to go over everything with our manager? I'll text you the address."
"I'll come by after my ballet class!"
"You do ballet? That's so cool!"
"Thanks! I'm going to head back to bed now, but...thank you so much for this opportunity, Ruby, it means a lot to me. I won't make you regret reaching out to me," I assured her.
"I believe in you, Yumena."
"I believe in you, too, Ruby," I said, and I was startled by the amount of honesty I held behind my words.

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