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heads up! this is going to
be a cross-over chapter

y/n loved her friends dearly, that was for sure and she'd die defending that statement. She was ecstatic when she heard from her sister that she'd get to reunite with some of them but then... she realized that having to keep up with different powerful people on consecutive days was more than tiring.

"Be prepared. I'll bring some of your friends from the other dimensions so you won't get bored." Her sister told her over the phone.

She had to thank her lucky stars that she'd often bump into Kusuo, who helped her with looking after her friends.

She had to thank her lucky stars that she'd often bump into Kusuo, who helped her with looking after her friends

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"You know, I'm not actually surprised that you're the only two my sister brought here," y/n said, eyes straight to where she and her two magic knight friends were heading. She had her back facing them, but she was confident that they were still there. After all, their auras were one of a kind in a world filled with mana-less people. "You're the only two people that I'd consider... normal in our squad." She stopped from walking, turning to face the two.

There stood Asta and Luck,both dressed in clothes that fitted the current society's fashion taste. They were enamored by the modern world they were in. On their way to wherever they were heading, they saw countless gadgets, all of which didn't exist in their dimension though some could be compared to people's magic.

Eyes landing on the blonde, y/n realized that her statement was partly wrong. "You know what... If only Finral wasn't much of a womanizer, he definitely would be brought here as well." She pursed her lips, remembering the ways of her Black Bull squadmate.

Finral would definitely avoid destruction in a different world, considering his magic wasn't really on the offensive side, but with his current state of just walking up to women and suddenly dropping pick-up lines, someone would definitely report him to the authorities.

Then there were the two who stood in front of y/n. Asta was normal, actually. He was only loud and his magic wouldn't really cause problems in the city since there was no magic to stop, but Luck on the other hand. "Luck, do you still remember what my sister told you before we went out?" y/n asked, wanting to make sure.

The blonde nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! No fighting people because they're super weak here!" He recalled as a big smile covered his features. At that time, he looked like a kid who needed to be constantly reminded of ground rules.

What s/n said was wrong, obviously. She only said that everybody was wrong because god knows how the most powerful person in that dimension could absolutely obliterate a person with a single blink. That would be good if Luck would become aware of Kusuo's powerful psychic abilities.

y/n pursed her lips at the statement. She was also aware of her sister purposely underestimating the powers of people in the current dimension. "Because everyone here is weak," She nodded, repeating Luck's words. Good thing that he easily bought into the excuse.

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