Chapter 3: Who Are You

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When Aiko opened her eyes she found herself lying in what looked like a hospital room. The air was stale and smelled strongly of antiseptic and all other smells that she associated with the Hospital but something was clearly different. She tugged at her leg and found herself bound to the bed, just to be sure she pulled again and again and again before understanding floored her. She was tied and she did not know who was responsible for it so she did what any sane person would do— she started thrashing around, trying not to yell. She did not want to anger or encourage whoever tied her nor did she want them to know that she was awake, she was not a lamb for slaughter.

She moved her leg, hell-bent on freeing herself but the constant movement just made her feel unbalanced and faint, she was frustrated and desperate for a way out and she remembered that she was in an accident before waking up. Before she knew it, she was out like a light again, laying on her side and legs and arms raw from trying to free herself.

The next time she woke up, she was not tied anymore. The marks that should have been on her limbs from trying to free herself were not absent. Her body felt better and lighter like she could finally breathe.

"Are you awake?" Aiko turned her head and found a teenager on her bedside, checking over her from head to toe. The teenager felt familiar to her but she could not put her finger on it. Aiko felt as if she knew who the girl was but she came up with a blank and a headache, hissing at herself and moving to grab her head with both hands.

"You must be having a headache, it's common to have those after recovering from wounds like yours." The girl said as she came closer to Aiko who flinched at the weird feeling of something entering her body. It felt like water and air at the same time, as if it were entering directly from her skin, soothing and calm but dangerous all the same.

She gasped in pain as she felt her muscles move, it was a jarring experience and she hoped she never felt like this again.

"Who are you?" The girl who looked about the same age as Aiko rolled her eyes as if she should be the one asking her that instead.

"I don't know, I was not the one who infiltrated our grounds." She shrugged as if wondering if it were worth it to tell her something more. Aiko decided to ignore her words and ask where she was.

"You don't know?"

"Should I?"

"I— yes? Shouldn't you know where you are?"

"Look, I obviously don't know who you are and the last thing I remember is having an accident that should have killed me." The girl stared at Aiko without a reply. As if considering her next words but not knowing whether to verbalize herself.

"You said you had an accident?"

"I did? I-I mean that's what I remember anyway, I was on the road and then that Truck was just right in front of my face?" She stopped talking to look down at herself, feeling shaken by the memory. The truck was inches away from her, and she remembered the terror she felt when she realised that she would die, without anyone by her side. Alone by the side of the road.

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