2: Sweet Abandon

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"That carriage... ain't it the Rayne's—!"

The market woman immediately knocked her son over the head. "You'll be shutting' your mouth if ya know what's good for ya!"

"I never imagined Lady Flora would do something like that. She always seemed to innocent..." A public security officer says.

"Hmph! That's the sort you should really be scared of!" Her colleague huffs, seemingly speaking from experience.

The seamstresses whisper, "Right on the balcony too..."

"Aye, the lady's got more guts than me, I tell ya!" A drunken mercenary cackles.

In the middle of cleaning a local inn, one of the girls made sure the coast is clear before saying, "My brother used to work for Madame Gisselle, you know. He heard some nobles say Lady Flora did it because she's always been jealous of Lady Darlin."

"Her sister?"

The girl nodded. "My bro's seen her a few times too. He said Lady Darlin's different from other nobles, and now she's gone an' graduated with perfect scores."

"That's amazing!"

"Not even His Highness graduated with perfect scores!"

"I told ya the Lady was different! Lady Flora's nice and all, but I guess it's hard not to feel insecure if you've got a sis like Lady Darlin."


"Don't be dense, Bessie! It's why all those rumors been going round 'bout Lady Flora and Sir Heinrich." With her hands on her hips, she states matter-of-factly— though she had to have her older sister spell it out for her earlier— "She wanted to seduce him away from Lady Darlin, you sillies!"


"Is that it?"

"Since you know everything, why didn't Sir Heinrich just end things with Lady Darlin already? Those rumors have been 'round for years now."

"Life just ain't that easy for nobles." She held out one hand, "What's better, a crippled mule you can't put down," then the other, "or a mule that carries your things and your kids?"

"The second." Her friends chorus.

"Exactly! No matter how you spin it, Lady Darlin's the better choice, and everyone's lookin' for a good in-law. Lady Flora obviously wanted to make sure Sir Heinrich will have to marry her."

"...Nobles are crazy." Another girl shook her head, unable to imagine getting mixed up in such drama.

"It's exciting~!" Another hopped up and down.

"Poor Lady Darlin, must hurt Gavin' your sis betray ya like that."

The air was so abuzz with the incident at the graduation event Darling could hear it from inside the carriage.

She put a hand over her mouth, not to hide her smile, but to curtail it for her lips were stretched so wide her cheeks hurt.

The fact she would be this euphoric over another's suffering is something Darlin never imagined herself capable of, yet is hopeless not to revel in.

"Serves you right, you stupid bitch!" Damn it feels good to curse.

So many restraints have fallen off Darlin— her inhibitions, her desire to be loved, and soon her bothersome engagement.

In her past lives, she was disrespected by those who knew she would become no more than a placeholder, whilst Flora was flattered as the woman who would hold the Fritz Duchy's authority via Heinrich's love.

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