13: Here Comes the Bride (I)

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Darlin woke up first. Nightmares again.

She lay still, shoving the pieces of her mind into place with every short breath. When the shivers fade, she gains the strength to take her nails off her welt covered stomach in favor of clutching the sheets, ensuring she isn't about to fall.

With the end of her panic comes room for celebration.

Darlin jumps out of bed and grabs for the service bell, ringing it to the tune of a song,

"It's a blessed day to gather— let's celebrate a love so dear! Come, I'll tell you of mine bride and her mate. Sworn at the heart, bonded by a ring, this is their fate!

Happy day, oh happy day! Two are one in every way! Happy day, happy day! When love comes down she's here to stay!

They met one noon— not by chance, but by saving grace. The groom courted her with words and deeds, he made her heart bloom with his faithful seeds. I saw love's spark when it lit their face.

Happy day, oh happy day! Two are one in every way! Happy day, happy day! When love comes down she's here to stay!"

Collette thought the incessant ringing was a sign of urgency, only to burst in and get caught in Darlin's merriment.

Darlin's joy comes in consistent packages, Collette thinks as they spin, hand in hand.

There's the condescending type where Darlin never gives straightforward answers. Her eyes are mirrors to nothing, and she drips sarcasm and insults too masterfully woven to discern without extensive thought.

There's the carefree sort Raymond brings out of her, one befitting her age.

The maid certainly wants to be happy with and for her, except, today, Darlin's smile is that of a wicked child's, saying: "I've done something and you don't know it yet!"

After helping her bathe, Collette works on applying cosmetics, while wondering what color to paint Darlin's nails.

Darlin's pampering is always minimal, but seeing her look curiously on the bottles of colors Raymond sent makes Collette eager to have her charge fall in love with her own beauty.

That is, if they ever manage to reach that point with Darlin tapping her feet and shaking her head to the wedding folksong she hums.

Darlin is not the only distraction, but Collette manages to get the job done all while stealing glances at the bright red dress box. Darlin's punchline.

Having her nails done is not as relaxing as soaking in the bath, yet the longer Darlin admires the peach color stamped with a gold heart, the more she understands the appeal. She suddenly felt like being especially expressive with her hands and exaggeratedly flung one as if to shoo Collette's worry. "I swear not to do anything that will trouble His Highness. I hope you can trust my words."

Contrary to her thoughts, Collette is not judging or doubting Darlin.

"I do." Collette sighs the words. She was not worried about Ludovik— he would despise such petty emotions.

Darlin is porcelain wrapped tight in a ribbon. The ribbon is all that keeps the cracks from spreading and bringing beauty to rubble.

Collette doesn't want to see her fall apart. "Please take care of yourself, my Lady."

Darlin is not given enough time to read into the sadness in those brown eyes as Collette stands and says, "Excuse me while I prepare your breakfast."

Alone, Darlin finds a distraction in her jewelry.

She holds an earring up to eye level, a single piece of a masterfully crafted set from overseas.

The earrings are pure gold, smelted into the image of a rose, and sprinkled with small bits of moonstone to imitate dewdrops. The artistry leaves Darlin in awe, then and now.

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