7: Helping Hands

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The genius designer, Mason Skye, did not challenge Madame Gisselle in blind pursuit of fame and wealth.

No. This young man overflowing with youth and kindness had, in a different time, sought revenge.

Mason worked for Madame Gisselle from when he was a mere adolescent, and she had newly entered the Capital.

From an errand boy, to a shoe-fitter, and then a bookkeeper. He served her well.

However, when word spread of Mason's father being a marauder, Gisselle didn't hesitate to dismiss him.

Intentionally or not, her actions put Mason's family in financial straits, and his ill younger sister died in front of him as a result.

The story of Mason's sister dying while reaching out to him, begging to be saved, moved the public's heart in his favor.

That traumatic event not only sparked his despise of the Madame, but inspired the first article of clothing that would launch him into stardom with Princess Astoria as his model.

Darlin blinked. I see... This is a result of his muse changing. "However did you come up with such a thing...?" The gloves he presented to her are a stark contrast to the ones he made for his supposed-to-be late sister.

Mason nervously picks at his face. "I wanted to make something that suits Milady. ...D-Do you like it?"

"It is magnificent." While not what she expected, it manages to be more. Darlin never imagined how much the gloves would appeal to tastes in fashion she did not know she had.

Dare she say she is moved Mason would think up something this gorgeous with her in mind?

In this lifetime, Mason felt comfortable enough to approach Darlin for help after being dismissed from Gisselle's employment.

His desperate heart so quickly fastened to Darlin when she handed him all the jewelry on her person.

In his wide, disbelieving eyes, Darlin's generous visage outshined the sun itself as she encouraged him to find her should he need any more help.

Darlin knew she gave him more than necessary, but she had excess accessories— The greater Heinrich's disrespect, the more expensive the consolatory gifts from Felicity and Vincent.

Tapping a nail on one of the rubies, Darlin was surprised to find the gems are of above average quality. It was too poor to be from anything she'd given him, but also too expensive for one of his standing to afford. Her smile turns cold. "Mason~,"

The young designer is quick to throw his hands up in surrender. "Sir Ray gave them to me, I swear!"

Darlin nods, satisfied. "And your sister?"

Mason's grin stretches from ear to ear, "Better and louder than ever." his exasperation aglow with joy and relief. "She's actually working in an inn these days!"

"That is wonderful news." Gloves for a life is more than a good deal, I'd say. "You know, I always knew you were talented."

It was Mason's first time seeing Darlin so flushed with happiness. Her expression leaves him at a loss for words, unconsciously dedicating his mind to memorizing Darlin as she is now— young, vibrant, and more elated than he ever thought she could be. Pride burns in his chest, knowing he is responsible for bringing such a look to her face.

Unexpectedly, she begins to sadden before his eyes. Her lips turn down, eyes narrowing pitifully. "I am sorry, but I am unable to accept this."

Surprised and disappointed, Mason searches the gloves for their shortcomings. "But why?! Is something not to your liking? I can—"

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