40 - My Wife

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After Vikram was done laughing, he came out if his room smoothening the creases of his suit. At the distance was his father standing with a sour expression.

Reluctant to it Vikram was walking straight. He stopped when his shoulder hits his. He did not say anything just kept looking.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?", Vikram asked after a pause. "Shouldn't you be attending guests instead of wasting your time in your room?", he spat back.

"Vikram turned to stand straight and puts his hands in pockets, glaring at him. "And who are you to tell me what and what not to do?",Vikram raised his brow. Daring him to claim his title of father.

"You are going to be the King soon. Is this how you're going to take responsibility? Wasting time with your wife in bedroom when you have guests to attend.",Ranasa spat.

"Looks like you are too eager to fu...", before he could complete his words, Vikram literally growled at him.

"Maharaja Rajbinder Singh Chauhan", he screamed so loud that Ranasa might have gone deaf. His eyes were blood shot, his nostrils were flaring, his shoulder tilted forward as his breathing was getting heavy with his rising anger. "Don't you dare say a word about my wife. I will not think twice throwing you out of this palace. You are a king, respect your status. And don't make me do something that I don't even give you a chance to regret.", Vikram gritted under his teeth , trying so hard to control his anger.

"Don't forget, she will the future Queen. But before that she is my QUEEN. You say one wrong word about her and I'll rip you alive.", his voice was sounding so dangerous even Ranasa got scared at that moment. Not wanting to talk to that man anymore Vikram jolted off from there.

His father was still processing whatever he just said. He thought after their first encounter he would have  been weak and broken but no, he was even more dangerous and wild now. Vikram was completely different after he got married which was not good for a lot of people.

Vikram descended the stairs in anger and went straight to where his wife was standing with rest of the family.

Before they could say anything he held her hand and pulled her with him shocking her.

Reaching up the the mid stairs he turned to face the crowd. Nimmi had no idea what was going on.

 Nimmi had no idea what was going on

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"Attention everyone present here. I'd like to share something important with you all.", he voice boomed throughout the room and suddenly the hall was quite.

They all turned their gazes to where our couple were standing. "As you all know why we are gathered here together. To celebrate the wedding reception of  my beautiful wife and me. But that's not all. There is something else too that I'd like to share.", everyone was at ear to hear the news.

"But before that I'd like to call all the media cameras to enter and cover this big news.", saying he looked at Raghav and his bodyguard. Understanding the looks  they went out and came back after few minutes with Atleast 50 media houses reporters and journalists together.

They bombarded Vikram with their questions but he raised his hand to stop them and started speaking, "I know you all are curious to know. So without taking much of your time I'd like to tell that Jodhpur is going to have it new king and Queen soon.", on that announcement a series of murmurs started in the ball room.

"All  must be curious to know what is all happening but I think it's someone else's story to tell.", saying he scanned around the room and his eyes stopped at his father who was standing in the one corner looking scared and angry at the same time.

A devilish smirk appeared on his face. "Mr Chauhan, the king itself will tell you. I request Maharaja Rajbinder Singh Chauhan to join us here and tell everyone."

Ranasa was screwed, he messed up big time opening his mouth in front of everyone. How could he tell the world about his deeds. How could he say that he married someone and then abandoned both his son and wife just because she was a dancer.

His reputation was gonna crush in front of the whole world. He was already in bad state with financial issues which brought his  value down in business and now this. Infact his bad financial condition was the reason why he came to Vikram.

All cameras turned to him, which left no option for him but to go up there and make an announcement himself.

With a racing heart and sweat with nervousness in his forehead he walked and stood next to Vikram.

"Now you'll see,what happens when you try to degrade Vikram Singh Chandravanshi's wife.", Nimmi's head jolted up to Vikram who was just standing numb unable to process what was happening here.

Now she knew what Vikram was doing. He was not making this announcement because he wanted to, it was completely out of rage. His mind was screaming for revenge which was taking away his sanity of thinking straight.

"Vikram you are walking wrong path. This is not who you are.", Nimmi wanted to say but instead, "Ram", she called his name taking his attention.

He turned as she begged him to not to do this with eyes. Vikram wanted to refuse but Nimmi held his hand squeezing it tight as her eyes were welling up.

Vikram took a deep breath closing his eyes shut. He was screaming in his head because he knew he couldn't do it here.

Going back to where his father was standing. "I'm letting you go, just because of my wife. But you have to get out of the mess yourself. Say whatever you want to and finish this matter.", saying he stood straight waiting for Ranasa to say whatever he wants to.

After thinking for a while he starts speaking. And when he did, it left Vimram and Nimmi speechless.
That's it for today guys.

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